Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Every day I think it's going to settle down but it doesn't... or forty-one days to E-Day


Today was a busy day in politics no doubt about it.
Just keeps getting more and more unreal this reality we seem to be in.
Welcome to the twilight zone.

FBI is investigating the companies (AIG, Fannie Mae , Freddic Mac, etc.) for possible illegal activity. Ongoing.

McCain announces he's suspending his campaign to go to Washington to deal with the bailout and wants Obama to do the same. What? Wait, how do you cancel your campaign? Isn't that what your VP candidate and other key figures carry on for you when you can't be there or do you suppose he's shutting down the whole campaign machine completely?

Then I hear the bombshell that McCain also wants to cancel the presidential debate on Friday.
(Like I'm supposed to believe that congress will be there until 9pm Friday night.)
No, no, no.

My guess that the goal would be to permanently cancel the debate which would only leave two presidential debates for the people. You know how hard it would be to reschedule a silly old debate in such a short time.
Now if they could only figure out a way to wriggle out of the Palin/Biden debates, wait... they might be able to come up with something. I'm so sick of this whole thing. Palin is either in hiding or in exile I'm not sure which.
Photo ops that's all we get.

So of course given all the drama McCain cancelled Letterman tonight which I thought was fine and wasn't surprised.
Until I turned Letterman on and found that he was really pissed at McCain.
I wondered why since they got along fine in the past on the show.
Seems he personally called Letterman today and told him he was canceling because he had fly back to Washington to work on the mortgage crisis so he wouldn't be able to make it on the show.
Except for the fact that he was over doing an interview with Katie Couric instead. Really classy John...

Seems the straight talk express is on the wrong track and Running on Empty. lol
McCain campaign has gotten cease and desist using our music from Heart, Orleans, Van Halen and Jackson Browne. Way to go McCain, why bother with a silly little thing like permission to use someone's music

Apparently Lieberman has been taken to task by some of the Democratic State officials from Connecticut that want him to resign from the democratic party.
Damn apparently I'm overly harsh because I thought he should be tarred, feathered and exiled from Washington.
This issue won't come up again until after the election if it does at all. Yes, Joe's entitled to his opinions on the election, it's a free country but does that extend to being a member of one party and getting to speak at the other party's convention while criticizing his own party's candidates? I think not.
And how did Lieberman respond to this? He said "I thought that was something that only happened in Russia." What?
You don't get censured for being a traitor to your own party? No one wants to send him to a gulag in outer Mongolia. Lieberman just can't seem to make his mind up who he is these days.
Sounded like a republican to me... fit right in with the others at the convention.

Would it be too much to ask to have someone make sense during this election?
Sorry if you disagree but Obama is still the candidate that sounds the most reasonable and rational to me.

Bush himself gave a short speech tonight without any questions after it, obviously read from a teleprompter.
He wants immediate action from congress, right now! Hurry up! Quickly get on board! We don't have time to debate!
Hmm, where in the world have I heard this frantic urgency from this administration before???
The bail out in first form is somewhat unconstitutional if I'm reading it right...
I'm very distrustful of bailing out the people that caused the mess in the first place.
Great opportunity for the Keating Five Senator McCain. No conflict there.
Funny how Senators John Glenn and John McCain were cleared but reprimanded for using "poor judgement."
That investigation bothered me quite a bit. But who knows right?

Watched Bill Clinton on a number of shows (Letterman, Stewart) and he's sounding like his old self again (welcome back).
I would vote in a New York minute for Bill Clinton again. He still can explain his beliefs and plans for action better than Bush, Cheney, McCain and Palin combined into one person. Bill Clinton has a functioning brain (although other parts of Clinton’s body apparently functioned well too and caused him a little bit of trouble, I’m not concerned with those parts.) This ability to hold intelligent conversation has been missing from the last 8 years of Republican reign and from their current candidates. You may not like everything Clinton did, neither did I, but he faces the future more than these jokers. At least Bill Clinton can speak and carry a conversation and work with others… and does get the economy.
Glad to see the old Bill Clinton back on track.

McCain puts me to sleep lately and Palin just annoys me, she says nothing really new, if she speaks at all.

I'm pretty sure I forgot many things on my mind or in the news today and it's quite possible that I'll reread this post tomorrow and find it fraught with typos and mildly wandering because I'm really exhausted and could use some of that ellusive thing called sleep.

So with that thought in my mind



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