Thursday, September 18, 2008

It seems that each new day brings new political intrigue...


I figure that no matter whether you think along the lines of the spectrum
"It's the economy stupid." or "It's the economy elitist."
Most everyone will agree today that "It definitely is the economy."

So there's going to be an $85 billion dollar bail out of AIG, right on the heels of the bankruptcy declaration of Lehman Brothers and the government take ove of Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac.
Interesting how we're so against socialised medicine but Corporate Socialism jus' ain't a problemo.

So it's been yet another politically charged day, who would expect anything less?

How about the very wealthy prior Hillary supporter Lynn Forester de Rothschild switching her support over to McCain. Interesting... she stated it was because she "loved her country." What?
Okay this election is just getting too weird and unbelieveable.
The issues that belonged to Hillary (healthcare, working class issues, prochoice, etc.) do not belong to the McCain/Palin docket at all.
And on the other side of the stage (because we must maintain the tit for tat nature of this thing) is what Carly Fiorina, the woman dismissed by the board of Hewlett-Packard who stumps for McCain, said when asked about Palin said she felt Palin wouldn't be able to run a company like Hewlett-Packard. She qualified this with adding that neither could McCain, Obama or Biden but I imagine she'll be delegated to the background of this campaign. Didn't run the party line. Palin is superwoman afterall.

The economy is more than just "troublesome" to me. We are in serious debt and denial is not going to keep us going... the national debt is staggering and continues to increase at an alarming rate.
Why we're considering the republicans for a third and even more conservative term I just don't know. Deregulation of many industries has caused a weakness in our economy that we're starting to see the effects of now. McCain still talks as if we take care of the top corporate levels the bottom will follow. Trickle down...
Obviously while McCain sympathizes with the middle class, he wouldn't any longer know what it was like unless he found himself back in it (and that isn't happening.) Forget the lower class, and for those who are out of jobs, he offers conservatism and more Horatio Alger bullshit. Doesn't work for most people who are so busy trying to pay their bills and on such a tight budget they can't afford getting sick or these job losses.
Is McCain going to stop the bleeding of jobs from this country over seas?
Does anyone care?

Well, the housing market is in horrible shape. Construction down, foreclosures, and the bailout (sorry I guess it's a takeover which is a spin word for sure) of the mortgage lenders.
Heard on the news the other day that there was one good thing in all the bad housing market news.
My ears perked up. The commentator stated that "There are now many good buys out there to be had if you're looking for property." Yea. This is true I suppose, but again it's rather cynical.

"Gee honey," Ann said as she and her teenager (from her first marriage) helped ready her 3 children for school. "Listen to that on the tv, we could get a good deal on a home if only we had some credit, extra money and weren't two months behind on the rent and heating bills."
David sighed and stood up. "Yea, that's like saying that the bright side of our situation is that at least we won't go bankrupt since we don't own this house in the first place. Homeless perhaps but..." Everyone piled out the door leaving everything quiet. It was that night that their 16 year old daughter told them she was pregnant. All ready six people in three tiny bedrooms, this will go well. Yea, I feel your pain common man, you have my best wishes and we know you'll do what's right. Somehow we'll help you out, vote for us (and I have some land I'd like to sell you in the Florida swamplands.)

I have a problem with Palin. If she were to become president unexpectedly, she would have to rely on others to help her out with the many things she'd have to be up to speed on. Do you realistically think McCain is going to surround himself with bunches of mavericks?

Today I woke up to Good Morning America with Robin & Diane's sisterhood of the traveling rail reporters.
I had no idea really about this multi-state trek but honestly I can't read, watch and know everything can I?
So, McCain was interviewed and he did say he would like to repeal Roe VS Wade.
He states he's Prolife and feels that "We need to ask young American women who are faced with this terrible decision that we will help them have the courage to bring a baby into this world and we'll have the compassion & help them in every way that they can address it... So look, this is an issue that we have to change the culture of America those of us who respect the rights of the unborn that's the thrust of our effort and I'm happy to note that we are adoptive parents and it's enriched our lives and we hope that that will encourage others to do the same."

Might it be too much for you to elaborate what that idea of "we have to change the culture of America" is all about. Change it to what exactly? What culture pray tell? I thought we were the melting pot country.

Maybe installing lifetime conservative judges to the Supreme Court of the USA with an agenda to overturn Roe VS Wade doesn't bother people but I resent the implication that I don't respect life by believing that the government should not legislate my personal choices on reproductive rights as a female. This upsets me so very much. I don't like abortion as a means of birth control BUT there are instances where a woman might need to make a very heavy and difficult decision to terminate an early pregnancy. Don't assume that it's only "young women" in trouble that might seek an abortion, there are many other scenarios. The government should not be in the business of forcing... yes, forcing... women to have children.
It's far too complicated an issue to belittle others decisions without knowing their circumstances.
Abstinence only didn't work in the 20's, 40's, 60's, 80's or today.

Well let's see what tomorrow brings.

48 days to E-day and counting...

Get some sleep if you can.



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