Saturday, September 20, 2008

Presidential Election denial for a day...or, Forty-five days to E-day!


I have to admit today I've been a bit overwhelmed and underwhelmed by the presidential race.
Normally the news draws me to it regardless of how hard I try to not pay attention.
But I was very adept for once in managing to distract myself from the election details and the economy.
It's quite possible that my avoidance was out of self-preservation
since I felt that my head was going to explode if I listened to any more commentary.

Not much got through my wall of silence today.
I took any quiet moments during the day to digest and try to make sense of the colossal overload of information from the past three weeks or so.
Being a news junkie isn't always desirable, people around you don't really understand.
Sometimes their eyes glaze over and you can almost hear them thinking
"Can't you talk about your last operation, the weather, your neighbors or good god even your children?"

So here it is folks:
My last operation was the removal of my gall bladder... I slept through it and recuperated fast. I don't even miss it one bit.
The weather... Today was a nice early fall day, quite typical of this time of year. Do I seriously have to mention the weather every day?
My Neighbors... Do I have neighbors? I should probably investigate that, I'll look over when I drive by tomorrow.
My children... I have four children, I love them. I even like them usually. They're all doing their own thing and just fine.

Now as for the political scene:
I quit for today but I'll be back tomorrow.
I won't be able to help myself.




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