Friday, September 26, 2008

Thirty-nine days to E-day... the not so great debate.


I'm sorry but you know I watched the presidential debate because I couldn't have missed it barring family emergency.

Gut reaction here after watching the whole thing and nursing my third Long Island Iced Tea in the safety of my home.

It was as bad as I expected it to be in the sense that I don't like either of them.

I would say to Senator Obama something that bothers me about most liberals... stop trying to seem the most reasonable all the time... stop being so politically correct when someone is unduly criticizing you. You get no gold stars for not adequately defending your own abilities.
What is wrong with you that you let someone continually say unchecked that you "don't understand" something that you clearly do understand.

I only have a Master's degree from NYU and if anyone kept saying I "didn't understand" or that I "was naive" and didn't know what I was talking about I would have taken them to task for it directly. Politely perhaps but in no uncertain terms. I believe Hillary would have done this hands down. Even if my own husband argued with me stating I had no idea what I was talking about because I was naive and didn't understand the issue... (implying that I btw was either stupid or uninformed) I would have stated calmly and very clearly why I was more than qualified (or depending on the issue at hand maybe even more qualified to hold my opinion and explain why my belief was valid.)

Here's what I think Obama should have said:

Excuse me John but you keep saying that I'm naive and don't understand the issues we are discussing. Perhaps you feel I'm elitist or stupid but I'm neither and I want you to stop saying something that is blatantly untrue. I have experience in the senate, as a "community organizer" I have degrees from both Columbia university and Harvard Law School. I struggled as you have against difficult odds and through hard work attained the place I am today. I'm here for the common man. The working class that is trying to make the American Dream work for them and is having a really tough time of it. I do understand John, I really truly do. Don't insult where I have come from and the American dream that I have tried to attain in this country by attacking my ability. I assure you bitch (okay so maybe I would have left bitch out but...) I do understand the issues as well or better than you do sir. Let's stick to the issues and let the American public judge their value. I personally may think that you're not in touch with the everyday lives of the American people and I may not believe your answers are adequate or show the depth that you should show for all your experience in government but I'm not repetitively calling you inadequate so you should show me the same respect Senator McCain you know better.

Now having said all this. Let me state what I really think about this whole thing, this whole sham of an election.

I've stated before that I supported Hillary. I would even vote for Bill Clinton again if it was possible, hell, at this point I'd probably even vote for Roger... (remember the brother?) well maybe I wouldn't, but you catch my drift.
So I can't vote for any Clinton's so here's how I really feel.

I don't really like Obama but I could live with him as president if I needed to... Biden eh, he has the experience and if something happened to Obama I'm fairly sure he could step in.
BUT I really don't like McCain. He's out of touch, he thinks we are winning in the middle east, he's a hawk, he lies through his teeth. He was part of the Keating Five and he's even further right and more conservative than Bush.
Thanks but no thanks. I have three sons and I don't want to see them fighting in any wars fueled by oil.

Now I'm not a drinker and maybe it's my LI Iced Tea talking and I'll like as not get into trouble here but:

What the fuck? And yes, I do swear sometimes, so shoot me (read as: deal with it damn it.)

Neither was great, neither was particularly presidential although compared to Bush a ten year old would be better.

For me it comes down to the crazy VP Palin.
I wouldn't vote for her if she was the very last woman on the earth.
I don't want her anywhere near the presidency of the United States.

So folks, that decides the whole thing for me:
Old man not in good health with a right leaning wing nut for VP that could get in.

No way
No how
No McCain
No Palin.

Amen yup.

One more LI iced tea , a short debate with family
and then off to bed

Will worry more tomorrow.
Done for tonight.




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