Thursday, September 25, 2008

Forty days to E-day...


I have to stop in this morning to say that I saw two things all ready that got my attention...

1) Katie Couric's interview with Sarah Palin. Sorry but I really have tried to give Palin at least a thoughtful listen, tried to reserve judgement on her at least personally. Kept it on a political/experience/platform level but she just doesn't inspire any confidence in her potential to be presidential. Isn't this election done for yet? Seriously? She hems & haws, struggles for answers and pulls out parts of information that they've been cramming into her for weeks now. This is what you would expect when you pick someone totally untested and throw them to the wolves of Washington. What was McCain thinking? I guess we'll never know. Even McCain is sounding less presidential these days. She looks like a deer with lipstick in the headlights (or perhaps a moose). Maverick pitbull indeed.

2) McCain said loudly that he would have a suspension of his campaign and not run attack ads. I woke up this morning and turned on the tv to find a nasty attack ad against Obama first thing... and of course it was approved by John McCain. I have no way to know if it went out nationally or not but it was definitely aired in Connecticut. I suppose if criticized for this new twist on honesty he'll say they ran it without his permission. So I guess his own campaign people don't watch the newscasts, read the newspapers or get phone calls or memos from McCain. Nope they didn't get that e-mail did they?
This election is a mean spirited sham.

McCain is not going to agree to the debate, there's no doubt about it.
Will they completely cancel it, or offer up the Palin/Biden debate in it's place?
This financial bailout crisis is going to be used to avoid anything but photo ops for McCain/Palin.
Straight talk express indeed. I suppose if asked about the debate McCain would answer "You know when I was a prisoner in Vietnam I couldn't have any presidential debates." Seems to be his answer for lots of things why not that?

I've never seen anything quite like this in an election before in my life, nasty ads and bullshit, yea we've seen definitely seen that before but the overall calculating cynical "say and do whatever you want to, truth be damned attitude" of this election
The past two elections were bad but Bush was never painted a hero. We cannot as a country afford another 4 years of these republicans. Perhaps they could soul search and come up with a reasonable and fair candidate and stop making their prime directive polarizing the American public.

This financial crisis is going to get worse no matter what they do at this point. Will a bail out avert a full blown recession or depression?
Well that's the trillion dollar question isn't it?

Let the stress begin,
Coffee time for now.
Back later.

What's in store for us today?

I don't have a problem with people's sexual preferences but seriously could Clay Aiken go back in the closet and stay there?
I had to say that I'm sorry. I guess society hasn't accepted homosexuality (or bisexuality) yet or it wouldn't matter if you were in the closet or not. No one would need to be "outed." And they could get married and then divorced just like everyone else.
At the risk of being called a bleeding heart liberal yet again (and I'm not by the way. I lean both conservative and liberal depending on the issue) institutionalized prejudice is not a desired position for a democracy in the land of the free. Hate crimes are called hate crimes for a very good reason.

Back again at 11:10pm:

What a three ring circus this election is:

Biden thinks the fireside chats were on everyone's TV and forgets Herbert Hoover.
Palin answers four questions (well sortof) from reporters... does this count as a first press conference?
Obama Bitches out McCain
McCain bitches out Obama
McCain blows off Letterman for Couric, forgets suspension of campaign and runs anti-Obama ad
Palin gains expertise in foreign affairs via osmosis,
The financial bail out: yes-no-yes-maybe-no... not today...
Presidential debate yes-no-yes-maybe-no-?
Vice Presidential debate Yes-no-yes-no-maybe-?
Palin says everyone's waiting for McCain to give opinion on the bail out, wait, what?
The republicans should adopt Lieberman and the dems should disown the impossible child.
Bush imperative: Bail out Wall Street right now, right away, we need to save the economy from the evil doers, or just save the evil doers... heh, heh.
Lies, lies and more lies.
Have the damn debates, all of them. All Obama & McCain get to do is vote on the bail out. Presidential indeed.
Political posturing is starting to look like a fight in the kindergarden sandbox over who kicked sand at who.

And to think I tried to teach my children as they grew up to stand by their beliefs, be fair, learn from your mistakes and tell the truth. Because telling the truth was more important than being right or wrong. The truth was the truth, a lie was a lie.
What a complete ass I must have been to teach nonsense like that. What the hell was I thinking?

The American public deserves more than this. Probably not going to get anything better just more of the same.

Good Night,



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