Thursday, September 18, 2008

Forty-seven days to E-day and counting... Election overload.


I'll take this opportunity to apologize for the number of posts here in "one day."
I actually cut and pasted my blog from elsewhere that I started a few days ago.
I prefer the format here, so here I am.
After today I'll be back on schedule for my daily posts.
Also sorry they're so long. I don't seem capable of making a short post, too much on my mind I guess...
I don't believe out shouting, name calling, personal attacks, or constant interrupting are legitimate tactics in debate.
Actually I think they're a sign of fear, anger, disrespect and distraction from having a true discussion on a topic.

I thought this was worth listening to in light of the Dems that went over to the McCain side yesterday:

She sounds so knowledgeable... Hmm...
Still a lot of things going on in politics.

How about that Sarah Palin challenging a "Stump the Candidate" session at the town hall with McCain?
Too bad that WAS her answer to the question asked (being her qualifications/knowledge in foreign policy).
After saying that she took the mic down and turned while McCain took over by talking about her knowledge of energy policy...
Which is only nominally better than her nonexistent Foreign policy knowledge.

Stock market up a bit again today... Still don't feel better... regular see-saw effect it seems these days.
Or is it a roller-coaster? Where it stops (up or down) no body knows.
Who's lending us all this money to take over or bail out these companies?
Last I knew we didn't have any money and owe a ridiculous amount to China et al.

On Tuesday morning, McCain said the U.S. economy is "fundamentally sound." McCain later in the day sought to clarify the remark, saying that it was the American worker who was "fundamentally sound."

I guess by calling the American worker "fundamentally sound" it means he thinks we're not totally crazy???
I'm beginning to wonder...
And Obama/Biden make more and more sense to me.

Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow...


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