Thursday, September 18, 2008

Palin certainly is polarizing. Is this really a good thing?

I can't help wondering if Obama would have done better with Hillary Clinton on the ticket...
Put an end to this nonsense. Now I guess we'll never know.
Though I have a renewed respect for her fortitude and her campaigning for Barack.
As a politician and as a woman she is light years in front of Palin.
Not to mention that she's a Yale Law School graduate.

So today instead of focusing on the candidates we focused on some of the countries serious issues.
The Stock Market and AIG's distresses following on the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers.

This economic disaster was a (unpleasant) break from the so-called Palinmania we hear about every damn day.
I wish we could stay focused on the issues not the he said- she said drama.

And stop criticizing Tina Fey, she was fantastic as Palin.
It's satire, it's supposed to be a characterization of the real person.
They do it to Bush, and all past presidents.
It's not like Hillary's depiction was all that flattering either.
But I'm not screeching about it.
Oooo unfair, Oooo awful, Oooo how ever will they survive such parody.
Honey if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. That's political satire get used to it.

Oh and I love the idea that Palin doesn't have to answer the tough questions either simply because she's a woman or
is it simply because the media doesn't always like her (or anyone else it seems all that much).
Oh let's cry about it little girl... let the good old boys protect your lil self.
You call yourself Sarah Barracuda and compare yourself to a pitbull with lipstick and still hide behind the men's shirts.
Give me a break. Give us a real look at who you really are Sarah Pale-in-comparison to Hillary.
Set strong women that can take care of themselves back into the fifties why don't you?

Even Obama has gone on O'Reilly, I suppose you think that was a cake walk, eh?
McCain is a war hero as he takes every moment to tell us again and again...
How exactly will he change the mess his own party has made of things?
And REALLY tell us how he's different cause his answers go so far off track sometimes Bush seems to make sense.

The platform seems to be: Vote for me I'm a POW and the other guy will be bad for you all, besides we got the woman!
This isn't an actual platform.

Somebody start asking the hard questions please.  The republicans seem to believe it doesn't matter and that the
questions are unfair to ask the candidates for the highest elected offices in the country. Good God, really?
The presidency of the USA isn't an entitlement program and the republicans deserve the added scrutiny!
Wake up.

Let's see some debates and hope the answers are forced out of them if need be.
There's nothing at stake but our future as a nation and the direction we may go in...
Doesn't sound trivial to me.

This isn't only all about Roe VS Wade, gay rights, racism, sexism or conservative VS liberals. Those are red flag issues designed to distract us from the things that could in theory put our country and it's world position in jeopardy.
It's about everyone's rights, future military policy, education, competitiveness in a global market, dependence on oil, creating green technology, the sinking middle class, mortgage crisis, job losses, inadequate health care, declining cutting edge technology, and the economy. ie: the future.

We deserve better than this nonsense.
A democracy means WE the PEOPLE have the RIGHT to ask questions and to have them answered honestly.
Not with sarcasm, untruths, diversion, avoidance and distraction.

Both sides need to start straight talking, one side has done more than the other so far anyway.
Who's tossing around words like: arrogance and elitism?
And would someone explain to me what exactly "small town values" are?
I imagine it depends where you live but I thought it meant coming to each others aid with a supportive and caring community. Reaching out to those in need and attempting to understand and value differences as well as similarities.
Was I wrong?


49 nights till E-day
Get some sleep you might need it

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