Friday, March 13, 2009

Bernie Madoff’s going to jail. Hallelujah finally.

Bernie Madoff is off to jail.
I don’t suppose anyone will see much of their money again.
He’ll go to a “FedMedPen” where he can trade stories with other “white collar” criminals.

Personally I hope they drag him off to Riker’s and strategically place him in a cell between warring gang members and the likes of Joel David Rifkin and other criminals. Where he’d have to worry about violence, rape, illness and eat the same food as everyone else with no “perks” of any kind.
Of course this won’t happen.
But for the lower classes, even non violent offenders are housed with more violent crimimals in many prisons. Not Bernie though, that’s “white collar crime” and he’s not in the same class.

Says he’s “deeply sorry and ashamed” and pled guilty.
No sympathy from me for old Bernie. Sorry. No, actually I’m not sorry at all.
I suppose he’ll write a book or some other family member will.
Even criminals are afforded celebrity in this society.

I’d like to know who helped Bernie with the house of cards that he built.
Can it really be his scheme alone?
Will they really go after his family? His wife that did book keeping?
Of course they didn’t know anything about the ponzi scheme at all. *wink,wink*

Now maybe a few top choice (as in where’s the beef?) SEC folk will be brought in to explain how they failed to notice the red flags of the “biggest ponzi scheme ever.” I wonder if anyone would be held accountable and receive more than a slap on the wrist. They even had a whistle blower that tried to point the scam out to them (Harry Markopolis) and expose Madoff as early as 1999-2000. And now it’s 2009. Amazing.

Madoff Whistle Blower is Finally Heard (CBS)

Just further proves to me that the question isn’t actually for or against deregulation it’s what the hell in the world were the regulators that we supposedly do have doing?

It seems like accountability is unnecessarily slow or sometimes nonexistent for powerful or rich people. It’s no better in the government itself.
Just like the Bush-Cheney crew won’t be held to task for the actual illegal activities they engaged in… before, during and after the Iraq war.
While Clinton was dragged through the mud while still president and impeached by the house, then acquitted by the senate for basically getting a blow job having oral sex outside of marriage and then lying about it. Duh.
An example of that great left-wing conspiracy, liberal media biased coverage that Limbaugh, O’Rielly, Hannity and Coulter… keep ranting about.

Well at least Bernie’s in jail.
So I ask you justice department… Where’s the beef?

But then again, everyone knows Justice is blind and equal for all… right?
I’m jus’ sayin’



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