Friday, March 20, 2009

President Obama on Jay Leno mostly good but for one gaffe.

I have to give President Obama credit. He has been one of the most visible (and talkative) presidents in my memory. He tried to explain the AIG and banking problem, why it happened and what we might be able to do. It does help, we're so used to the government being secretive, manipulative and treating us like we're dumb children.

Leno asked some good questions like is it fair to target one group with high taxes and does that mean other groups can be taxed for a "good" reason? I was wondering about this myself. It seemed he assured us that no that wouldn't happen, this was a special case but at the same time he didn't exactly seem behind that 90% tax. Hmm.

Obama backed Timothy Geitner once again stating he has faith in him and pointed out again that he takes responsibility for being the president and for his cabinet. Refreshing, it's been a while (taking responsibility that is). Obama stated that the pattern in Washington is that everybody's always trying to find someone to else to blame for things and he wants to end that.

They talked about electric cars and wind power which I hope bodes well for getting into the doing rather than talking stage. Solar too.

Said Air Force One is cool... yup, already knew that from Harrison Ford.

The only gaffe seemed to be that when Leno asked him if he would be taking out the bowling lanes and Obama said he'd been practicing: "I bowled a 129." He said it was a bit special olympics but he was making progress. Though many reporters or talk show hosts have said things like this, because it was the President people will be fussing about it tomorrow I imagine. Obviously he didn't mean to disparage anyone that takes part in the Special Olympics but he should have been a little less free with his candor, though we all have said things that don't sound right but we don't have the whole country picking at everything we say. (Thank God right?) Might be he's been spending too much time around Vice President Biden. Gotta watch those gaffes they might be contagious.

Obama stated that he'd be getting "roll on hoops" for the tennis courts so there would most definitely be basketball going on.

Then came the important question: When's the dog coming? Very soon, it's coming very soon and then quipped:
"They say if you want a friend in Washington- get a dog."

Ah, how true, how true.

I thought by now I might be tired of seeing Obama talking everywhere or that it would get repetitive if he talked too often, but so far it's been okay. At least he talks to us, otherwise we'd only have the constant barrage 24-7 of pundits and Lord knows they do get repetitive and predictable. lol.




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