Tuesday, March 3, 2009

No cussing club, lottery budget bail outs and Bernie Madoff.

I was watching Connecticut news tonight and saw a story about one of their plans to help raise money for their state budget deficit. Special lotteries with higher payoffs two or three times a month. Hmm. I suppose it could work but is "state gambling" a great way to fund a state budget?
In NY at least the lottery money is supposed to go to education. Now for all the money collected in NY I don't know how it's accounted for (or what the accountability is) but I've watched our schools go down in quality especially over the past 10 years.
Where's all that money anyway? Seems we should have terrific or at least all above average schools given all those lottery tickets sold each and every week (and that's not including the scratch offs).

Madoff was in the news again today. He's still sitting in his Manhattan apt with an ankle bracelet on complaining that he should be allowed to keep his apt and other assets because after all "they're unrelated to his arrest." Uh, let me think for a second- NO! NO! NO! There are hard working, honest people that have lost their pensions, jobs, ins, and are out on the street homeless while this truly sleazy bastard is still ordering out food from NY restaurants?

And I'm pretty sure when he gets convicted he won't go to a real prison he'll go where ole "cupcake" Stewart went or somewhere like it. Certainly not where they would put me that's for sure.
Interesting how we can confiscate the belongings of convicted major drug dealers and they auction them off. But... apparently we don't do this for billion dollar Ponzi scheme perps. Equal justice for all? Nope.

Now here's a story that really bothers me. It upsets me not because of the story itself, it was the reaction of a certain amount of people to the story that was upsetting.

This fourteen year old boy from CA started a "No Cussing Club." McKay Hatch asked people for a week to clean up their language for a "No cussing week." Fine so far. Not in any way going to hurt anyone and nothing says you have to participate in any way. Well, he started to get some press notice (which again is fine and doesn't hurt anyone).
But then here's where it gets upsetting and weird. He and his family are getting phone messages that are threatening him. One said they would kill him, others threatened him, others called him and cursed obscenely at him or called him names.

Now being that he's fourteen I just don't understand this reaction. Actually I don't even understand the reaction if a no cussing week was proposed by an "adult." It's not an appropriate response no matter how you look at it. There's nothing wrong with a "No cussing club" or a "no cussing week."

I was trying to think of what would upset me enough to leave a death threat to anyone. I couldn't really think of what... There are people I don't like, or even despise. People that I think aren't worth the "powder to blow them to hell" to quote something my dad used to say. But a death threat? To a fourteen year old boy? Where in the world does that come from?

I know I can curse up a blue streak myself so a no cussing week would be admittedly difficult for me. But I try not to be inappropriate in public situations or to deliberately offend anyone.

If you believe life is precious as most people do or at least they state that they do: then stop threatening people.
Death threats are unseemly in "noble" instances (and I'm not sure what that case would be) but over a fourteen year olds desire to clean up people's language with a no cussing week... No way in the world.

Why does this issue even bother anyone that much that they care enough to leave such messages at all?
I truly don't get it.




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