Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Meghan McCain of the McCain Dynasty says “kiss my fat ass.”

I got a real kick out of Meghan’s response to Laura Ingraham’s comment about her being a plus size: “Kiss my fat ass” (which is something model Tyra Banks said previously). I find it disturbing that such a personal comment aimed at Meghan was made about her weight and even more pissed off that it came from a woman. She should be ashamed to perpetuate the image that you shouldn’t take seriously someone that’s not skinny. Meghan’s an attractive young woman who is entitled to her opinion, she didn’t belittle anyone. Meghan had criticized Ann Coulter’s political beliefs not her dress size. What is with conservative talk show hosts anyway? At least Meghan has her own mind and refreshing spunk!
To quote many others: You go girl.

I’ve seen Meghan McCain turn up on so many shows recently that I’m beginning to wonder if she’s being groomed to be part of a new improved future McCain political dynasty. She has stated repeatedly recently that she’s uninterested in ever running for any political office, but there she is on Fox and Friends, The View, Rachel Maddow, etc. I think I might have just disproved the idea that only the republican right wingers can spin a conspiracy theory behind every tree (hugger). I’m a little suspicious when she states that this mantle of “the new face of the young republicans” somehow “falls on her shoulders.” She seems to be representing herself as a member (or spokesperson) of the new improved younger (though not close to achieved) republican party. I’m not sure how 24 year old moderates fit into the broader party picture.

Meghan isn’t the mainstream republican party, perhaps she (and others of different views of what the party should or shouldn’t be right now) are more like the “independent party” or maybe what should be called the “moderate party.” I call them the Indemoderatarians… because I believe that if you siphoned off the moderates from both the democrat and the republican party (and that’s where you are Meghan) there would be a pretty good size middle of the road more interesting and appealing party. I doubt either party would be happy if the general population found less extreme beliefs in a new party, one that all age groups, backgrounds, income levels and ethnicity felt welcome in.

However the republican party still identifies with and caters to the religious right’s very conservative base. As long as they feel it necessary to do that there’s no real place for people like Meghan. I believe the republicans themselves have a term for them: RINO (Republican’s In Name Only) which they call the likes of Olympia Snowe and Arlen Specter. I guess ostracism doesn’t only happen in Nathaniel Hawthorne stories but at least they don’t want them to wear red letters of identification. On the other hand maybe they would make them if they could…

If the republican party keeps stuck to the extreme conservative base they will bleed off the moderates and will have to deal with the fact that they won’t win elections without pulling moderates back in from both sides.
I keep hearing that Meghan’s more moderate but I’m unsure where she stands on the right to chose for women, gay rights, universal health care, religion’s place in policy and government, global warming, stem cell research and many other issues. Honestly I’d rather see the answers polled from all those under 25 that are out there in the population than from the daughter of a republican presidential candidate who’s been exposed to politics since she was very young.

The fiscally conservative and socially liberal (though not necessarily young) moderates that would vote republican if given the chance will have to wrest the control of the party from the die hard extreme conservative right’s “cold, dead hands” which won’t be an easy task since the base is a very vocal one that absolutely hates to be challenged or criticized.
Good luck Meghan.




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