Sunday, March 15, 2009

The threat of domestic terrorism. James Cummings in Belfast, Maine

The story of a Belfast, Maine man, James Cummings, that was shot by his wife Amber (who alleges years of sexual and physical abuse) was found online a while ago. Surprisingly it hasn’t gotten the attention that you would have expected from the media. I kept waiting. Much more time and effort was spent on the recent Cramer/Stewart feud (I’m guilty too) and whether Ann Coulter’s book sales are down and what that means (and who cares?) then this more disturbing story.

Bangor Daily News, Maine Feb 2009

What bothers me is that James was a white supremacist Hitler fan that as it came out over the course of a few months time (he was shot Dec. 9) had the makings of a dirty bomb in his home, including radioactive material and instructions. Now since this story has come out (without all that much ado) people tripped all over themselves to state that the radioactive material wasn’t all that dangerous, perhaps, but the real point is that he was serious about putting together a bomb. Pair this with the fact that if his wife hadn’t shot him (thank you) he might have actually harmed people in his OWN country, in his own state or town. What we don’t know was what was inside his head. A home grown domestic terrorist, perhaps not as capable in carrying out a plot as Tim McVeigh turned out to be but just as dangerous to innocent people. Was he a lone gunman type wing nut or was he in contact with others? Apparently he was upset with his cherished democracy having elected Barack Obama as our nations first black president by both popular and electoral consensus. This fact is repeated about his not liking Obama while his danger to people is consistently downplayed. Seriously, not that dangerous? Yeah. Only because he’s dead.

I’m fairly sure that if he was of Muslim faith or probably even just of middle eastern ancestry we would have heard far more about the whole thing. It barely made the public discourse. What I worry about is how many other wing nuts are out there plotting. We worry about “foreigners” so much we miss the fact that we do have our own home grown anti government factions and yes, plenty racists too. Political correctness would like us to believe we’ve gotten past racism but for many we haven’t.

All the nonsense ranging from the amusing if not stupid statement Chuck Norris said about how tough Texas should succeed from the nation rather than go the way of socialism (and that he could be president of Texas) to Limbaugh’s “I want Obama to fail” really isn’t helping bring this country together at a time when we need to work hard to unite and have faith in our country, not tear it apart from the inside out. The key word here is WORK HARD to heal and compromise not divide.

Senator Jim DeMint, of South Carolina (who opposes any real government expansion) said “conservatives might have to take to the streets to stop America’s slide into socialism.” What exactly does that mean? During the election Rep. Michele Bachmann urged investigation into which members of congress were “pro-America or anti-America.” (and do what with them?) Just because someone doesn’t agree with you doesn’t mean they are Anti-American. I would think that even though they disagree all the time our representatives are all pro-American and were freely elected by pro-American voters.

I appreciate everyone’s free speech but frankly I despised GW Bush right from the start, which is my prerogative in a free country but I never wanted him to fail or wished him any harm. Never would I disparage American soldiers though I can be against a war. Never would I want my government to fail because I didn’t agree with a policy. I am proud to be an American from New York. We must report on all possible acts of terrorism equally and denounce it whenever we find it.

Chuck Norris's article text. Black Belts and Succession?

I wonder would Chuck Norris be President of Texas, King or dictator?




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