Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Christian Bale isn't that good an actor to be so obnoxious... let's get the Goodfellas to teach him a lesson eh?

Wow, I listened to the short version of the Christian Bale tirade... what a jerk.
Needs to get over himself. He should have been apologizing after the first minute and yet on and on he went.
I wonder if he would ream out a producer or sponsor of the movie like that or is a mere working man beneath his greatness?
The Terminator actor apparently needs some Salvation!

The Today Show did an audio of his rambling (bleeped out of course) and brought their staff out and talked to them, it was nice.
They seem to get along and treat each other rather well. they showed a clip of their own where a woman from their staff walked through a live taping and no one screamed or misbehaved. They laughed it off and she even got to wave.

Demanding proper behavior of people is getting harder and harder these days.
It feels like you're swimming against the tide.
It's not just children either, the worst are adults. And it's startling to see unbecoming downright rude behavior from parents.


This will be a short entry, because I'm trying to set up a way to do short video clips each day just talking instead of all this damnable typing. Though I can type at a fairly respectable speed, I actually really dislike it.
So I'm hoping to move over to video with short typed notations like links and short comments.

Still pretty discouraged with both the democrats and the republicans. Party politics as usual.
Our representatives fiddle faddle while the economy burns.
Great guys thanks a bunch.

Back tomorrow.



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