Monday, February 2, 2009

The Super Bowl Commercials are far more fun than the news.


Everybody’s still fighting discussing the economic stimulus and of course making it the best package it can be. (cough, cough)

I still have problems about giving money to the people that were in charge of failing banks, businesses, and companies… no less giving them bonuses.

Bonuses for what exactly?

One of our representatives wanted to limit the CEO’s pay to the same amount our president gets for running the country. Well, these guys live in a different world… one where they get millions of dollars in bonuses. Imagine that, cause I can’t. And if you screw things up too much you get a severance package and move on to another company, kinda like unwanted teachers, priests, administrators and other professionals. Great. Free market enterprising.

So maybe if they could make a top cap on the wages of the CEO’s if they accepted money from the government, these pompous overpaid jerks would quit and the taxpayers could hire someone that could actually run a company better and for less pay. Hey, just thinkin’

Macy’s going to bleed out 7000 jobs. ::sigh::

The republicans do realize tax cuts alone won’t save us right?

Anyway the Super Bowl was great, ended the way I thought it would but there were some great plays along the way. What a run down the field James Harrison made, pretty cool eh?

The Boss is still the Boss!!! And I noticed that Max Weinberg brought along the rest of the band from Conan O’Brien’s show. That must have been a lot of fun for them all!

I recommend taking a bit of time out bypassing the depressing political news to watch the Super Bowl commercials. My favorite were: Both Doritos ads,, Pepsi’s refresh anthem, Sprint Roadies, Career and the silly Conan O’Brien Bud Light ad.


Watch all the Super Bowl commercials here!

Very much looking forward to snow tomorrow, maybe enough for a great soothing walk!




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