Wednesday, February 11, 2009

President Obama I appreciate your frankness... fifth printing for the Obama Spiderman comic.

Watched Obama's town hall and his prime time speech/explanation of the stimulus package...

Now I know many are screeching about the amount being too much (or too little) but I'm struck by the way Obama's answering questions and at least trying to make it clearer what he is trying to do.
What a wonderful change from Bush doing much in secret and ramming things through if he could.

We need to do something and there's no way to know whether everything will work out the way we want it to.

But politics as usual prevents people from working together to MAKE it work even if they don't agree with it.
Such a shame. No respect for the president of the USA anymore. Thanks GW, it started before you but, you took it to a new level.

Now republicans here's the deal: You should (after the dust clears and we have a passed package) stop whining, stop the drama queen speeches, stop criticizing. You have had your say now get with the program and try to make it work.
If you're going to whine, moan and undermine for the next two (or four) years constantly you will make us all SICK.
Step up and work for the country you were "hired" to represent. Make it work.

Democrats: take the high road, but don't expect support. Do what you have to but don't be caught up in this no win fighting.

Obama: keep doing what you are doing. Most of us appreciate being treated like we're intelligent enough to understand the workings of government. I at least appreciate you taking the time to talk to us: after all you are OUR president.
It feels better, time will tell how everything will turn out. Everyone forgets that there's a global economic problem not just us.

Don't forget President Obama you are in charge of both the democrats and the republicans be fair and strong.
Let those (buffalo) chips fall where they may.

I got my Obama/Spiderman comics a while ago. The different printings had different covers.
The comic book store did me a nice favor and got me the second printing also. Out of print now.
They're on the fifth printing has the Lincoln Memorial on the cover.
I hate to use this word but: Awesome.




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