Friday, February 6, 2009

Yes, maybe we have a stimulus package, well, so "they" say, we shall see.

News said that the senate has come to an agreement on Obama's stimulus package with a few republican senators on board.
We'll see shortly I suppose. I'm interested in what the final adjusted product will turn out to be and what comes back from the conference committee. Won't help those that all ready lost their homes, or jobs but it seems something would be better than nothing for some people.

I'm a little bit confused however, if the government helping it's people, providing services for them or regulating those that have failed is socialism and bad. Then what the hell do we need a government for? Are they suggesting some kind of anarchy or perhaps we could divide the USA into independent "country states" that would OF COURSE have their own governments...
Now there's a nightmare situation.

What in the world is the fascination with Joe the Plumber? (well, the almost plumber and not exactly Joe either)
He's sent to Israel to "report on the war or the people or something I never really understood."
Now he's gone to Washington, DC to participate in a political strategy session as "The Conservative Working Group's" guest speaker. It's a group of Capital Hill GOP staffers. Politico's Joe the Plumber article

Why? That's the only question I can think of. I don't know why anyone would want his opinion of the economic stimulus package or any kind of strategy. Can we disapprove his nomination for speaking for anyone, especially the GOPers?
Seems he has tax issues and is unemployed. Is there no one else out there to listen to?
Oh wait, yea, I remember now there's Rush.
Not seeing any change in the republican party.

McCain sounds angry yet again.

Cheney just sounds scary and evil... another "Why?" there.
We never see or hear from him when he's in office and now he starts talking.
Sleep well my dearies, precious will take care of you.




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