Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weary be the working class. Yes, it still is the economy stupid.

I’m a bit overwhelmed by the constant discussion of the economy woes and Obama’s economic stimulus package.
Every show today. Everyone talking, everyone has an opinion and no absolute solutions.
Not terribly helpful at this point… Too much money or not enough, too much spending or too little, too much tax break or too little. Too partisan or… AAAaaarrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhh!!!

Just do something okay? Stop with the party politics.
Stop secretly (or not so secretly) hoping that it fails and you can jockey it into a republican battle cry to get some people elected. We were sick to death of the presidential election and it only just ended!

WE and by we I mean the working class (remember us, you give us lots of lip service) with families to take care of, with mortgages, bills and jobs that we worry about, don’t give a rat’s ass which party you’re part of. We’re fairly sick of you both at this point. We (well, at least I ) would like a viable third party that isn’t either of you that would get rid of both outer fringes of liberals and conservatives. Good God we hardly get a break and you guys are fighting away happily.

You’re all hypocrites, tax evaders, liars… you make laws for us to follow and you break them all the time. Makes me sick at this point. Looks like we’re going to owe taxes this year.
Yay. Not sure where that money is coming from.

So, I’m a bit annoyed tonight as you can tell, so here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to take a break tomorrow and then listen to Obama’s speech at night and see how I feel then.

This is a photo of one of the people I love!
My son, who takes after my husband, will sleep through Armageddon if it ever happens.
He sleeps through the sun shining in his window and mom taking a flash photo.
Me? I wake up when someone sneezes lightly downstairs behind a closed door on the opposite end of the house.

Eighteen year olds look like angels when they’re asleep don’t they?

All will be well
(at least that’s what I keep telling myself)



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