Saturday, January 31, 2009

Finally restrictions for the rest of the "stimulus/bailout" money.

It seems like our representatives are finally looking to formally place restrictions on how the taxpayer money can be spent by the banks/companies that get some of it.

It was sheer insanity to just hand over money to businesses that ran their own companies into the ground.
Self regulation indeed. "We thought they would exhibit restraint and use the money wisely."
Now why the hell would they do that when they hadn't done it before they got in the mess they're in?
The legislators in their infinite wisdom decided they should have "faith" in companies that were going under?

So we have a new RNC head and after all the drop out they picked one of the few token black men they had in the party.
Guess it figures since it worked for the Democrats. With Limbaugh babbling, Palin crouched in the wings...
2012 should be a very interesting to watch presidential election, that is if we can all still afford electricity and cable.

A few days ago we came upon a seagull that had somehow gotten it's one foot caught in the stockade fence.
I have no idea how that happened because with their flatter feet they dont roost on fences but somehow this one managed to snag it's foot down into the crack between two slats in the fence. Unlucky I guess.
We managed to get it free but it's one foot was rather mangled, the other one was fine.
I don't know if it managed to survive but it seemed alert and able to fly off. I hope it made it I've seen one legged gulls before.
At least it has a chance to make it. I had my little video camera with me so I filmed it.
Sons did the actual saving of the seagull. Odd way to start a day. It was nice to try to save something, since not much "saving" is getting done otherwise.

Now I know I'm not the only New Yorker that doesn't like Rudy Gulliani, but I'm beginning to think he's lost it. Read a story today about an interview where he stated that he gauged the city's budget by the size of the Wall Street bonuses.
He pointed out that when wall street had 1-2 billion in bonuses the city had a deficit. When they had 15-20 billion the dity had a surplus "because the money gets spent."
Okay guys... It gets spent on high end stuff that doesn't trickle down. That's just nonsense.
Besides the more important point is this:
Wall Street was failing because of it's own policies/excesses and the bailout money is the TAXPAYERS, not theirs'.


Off the topic of politics: Did you see the story on the tv news about the Florida couple that paid a small fortune for a cloned puppy of their deceased labrador. A pet, the family dog. Jobless, homeless people out there and they had to clone "Sir Lancelot" who died a natural death as all creatures eventually do. I'm sorry for your loss, but that's just ridiculous.

I said when Obama was elected that he wouldn't get the bipartisan support he was looking for and now the stimulus package is looking to be a slightly bloody battle. We shall see. It feels rather helpless out here in the real world as far as what we can do about this mess. Still hearing people saying that it would be better to just let the system adjust itself without bailing it out... better for who exactly?

Well, at least we saved a seagull. Maybe anyway.




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