Sunday, January 11, 2009

Nine days left of GW Bush... finally in the single digits (or didgits if you're GW).


Last night I was talking aobut the economic melt down and how it really worries me that no one seems to have any answers.
Today on "Meet The Press" half the show was on the economy.
It made me feel good to hear more people talking about the problem because it needs discussion but at the same time it didn't make me feel much better. That's because this discussion should have taken place around 3 or so years ago.
There were many interesting topics that could have been made into one whole show instead of half but it was worth listening to. I find I'm liking David Gregory as the moderator a lot, he's lively, smart and interested it seems.

They brought up a point that I've been thinking about: If the economic stimulus plan does work is the goal to get back to where we were before? Because it seems to me that unrestrained extreme capitalism is not working for most of the "lower classes" and by that I mean the really poor, poor, lower class and middle class.
Is the goal to go back to business as usual where the top 10% of the food chain holds all the money and power?
Yea, yea I know, when you start talking like that it gets you called a socialist/communist/bleeding heart liberal whatever...
Which I'm not. I don't understand why we associate unregulated capitalism with our democracy.
Well, look where we are now.

The second half of the show was on Obama and how it effects Black Americans that he was elected president of the United States of America (Bill Cosby was one of the speakers).
It's interesting to me that I always thought the description "Black Americans" wasn't all that satisfactory since there are no Black or White people really.
And African American is inadequate since all "black" or "people of color" (which is pretty much everybody) aren't from Africa.
I think that a Barack Obama presidency is good for ALL Americans though perhaps more poignant for Black Americans.
A long time coming... And one day we will have a woman as president too, though NOT Sarah Palin. Puhleeze.

Gonna say g'night for now,
I might be back later but I'm tired and want to make hot tea.
Still coughing, this cold is really frustrating.



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