Thursday, January 29, 2009

Not a single vote for Obama's stimulus package by a republican. Not even one?

I know it's mostly a political pissing contest power posturing conflict and that the republicans are trying to recoup it's lost authority but... seriously not one vote for Obama's stimulus package?
I don't pretend to understand the complexities of the economic mess we're in but I do know what I believe-

It doesn't matter what economic theory you believe will work because on paper many of them sound pretty good.
Terms like trickle down, trickle up, self regulating market adjustments, Keynesian, Micro, Macro, Supply-side, Marxist, on and on and on...

The problem is that the adjustments in economics is counted in effects on real people, not theoretical people.
The other problem is that the greed and corruption that is either allowed to exist in the system or just creeps in on it's own isn't accounted for. This screws up what might be a workable otherwise benign economy and more of those non-theoretical people.

So "Welcome" to the readjustment.

I'm struggling to understand why either party, democrats or republicans think they have any realistic answer to our problems.
It's been a long time since I took any economics classes in both history and anthropology (very interesting) but I'm behind the current administration just as I begrudgingly was behind the past few administrations because I believe they didn't want the country to fail and were doing what they felt was the right thing.

It didn't always turn out to be the right thing unfortunately but I have to believe our leaders are at least on the right side for the United States of America. I'm beginning to lose faith in a lot of the political arenas.
We are waist deep in corruption, greed, failing schools, skyrocketing health care costs, mortgage defaults, unemployment-
There's no point to go on because there are too many problems to fix in any realistically quick fashion.
So republicans and democrats have to get their shit act together and behave like adults.

And John Boehner if you want to be taken seriously don't say "Oh My God!" as a reaction to a serious stimulus package-
You're not a valley girl talking about the prom are you? How about some constructive criticism, of course neither party is great at that. Change that.
Oh, and before you accuse me of being unfair: I often can't listen to Barney Frank, Pelosi or Harry Reid so don't bother.

And everyone wants a simple answer? Get the hell up and do something. Everybody. If this isn't the time what the hell is?
The American people have gotten soft, let others make our decisions and sat by while our power has been frittered away.

How about requiring any agency, business or bank that gets a stimulus check stops sending jobs overseas?
But that won't ever happen would it?

Buh Bye Blagojevich, removed from office. That was a given. Won't miss you at all either. Let's see now if he'll he actually go to jail? Hmm.


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