Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ten more days of GW Bush... or hey it's snowing outside!


I'm rather concerned with Obama's economic stimulus plan.
Been listening to the economists blathering (and isn't that an interesting profession?) The only thing they seem to agree on is that we're in economic trouble and that something should be done about it. Gee thanks. I knew that a few years ago and the writing was on the wall before that. Just one big credit party going on out there for years and years.
The American Dream for many years has been basically buy stuff. You'll be happy, just buy stuff. If you can't afford it, charge stuff. The idea is don't deny yourself what you want and it was sold directly to the public.

*George Carlin once said that:
They call it the American Dream for a reason...
You have to be asleep to believe it.

The credit industry (like a few others) are basically loan sharks as far as I can see... they don't break legs, they just threaten people who owe money and repossess or sell off all your stuff. They want you hooked on them, they're scum like coke dealers that give it out free to get people strung out. Bush said post 9-11 go out and buy stuff to help the economy and show "them" that we are strong.
This is the problem. It's like a gambling addiction to spending money on stuff there's no way we need on any level. Whole industries are built on getting you to buy things you don't need because anyone who's anybody has more stuff than you.

So some economists think the stimulus isn't large enough, others criticize where the money would go and what limited jobs it would create. They disagree on what should be done, congress is poised to fight about it and at the same time economists say they hope it isn't too late with too little. Good God nobody really has a clue do they?

So now would be the time to retire those credit cards, try to live only on cash. Just don't buy stuff you don't need.
I'm thinking the party's over probably for some time. Pay bills.
Just finished working up facts for our budget. Got calls to make on refinancing to find out if it's worth it for us or not.

Ann Coulter is still around talking about her book. Sarah Palin is around talking about how everyone in the press was so unfair to her. Blago, Burris, Congress, Democrats, Republicans and everybody inbetween... complaining ever so loudly about how unfair everything is and how it's all someone else's fault. Makes me crazy, sounds so whiney at times I have trouble listening.
Ethics. Honesty. Responsibility. All seem to be badly in need these days.

Hoping to hear on Monday that Madoff is in jail without bail. Sleezy bastard. And I still want to know who knew what was going on? Did anyone else profit from the scam? Makes me sick that he knowingly ripped people off the way he did. How the hell do these people sleep at night, I really don't get it.

Weird start for a New Year isn't it?

Finally feeling better as far as my cold anyway.
Snowing in NY, going out for a walk.
Walking in snow calms my soul.




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