Saturday, January 31, 2009

Finally restrictions for the rest of the "stimulus/bailout" money.

It seems like our representatives are finally looking to formally place restrictions on how the taxpayer money can be spent by the banks/companies that get some of it.

It was sheer insanity to just hand over money to businesses that ran their own companies into the ground.
Self regulation indeed. "We thought they would exhibit restraint and use the money wisely."
Now why the hell would they do that when they hadn't done it before they got in the mess they're in?
The legislators in their infinite wisdom decided they should have "faith" in companies that were going under?

So we have a new RNC head and after all the drop out they picked one of the few token black men they had in the party.
Guess it figures since it worked for the Democrats. With Limbaugh babbling, Palin crouched in the wings...
2012 should be a very interesting to watch presidential election, that is if we can all still afford electricity and cable.

A few days ago we came upon a seagull that had somehow gotten it's one foot caught in the stockade fence.
I have no idea how that happened because with their flatter feet they dont roost on fences but somehow this one managed to snag it's foot down into the crack between two slats in the fence. Unlucky I guess.
We managed to get it free but it's one foot was rather mangled, the other one was fine.
I don't know if it managed to survive but it seemed alert and able to fly off. I hope it made it I've seen one legged gulls before.
At least it has a chance to make it. I had my little video camera with me so I filmed it.
Sons did the actual saving of the seagull. Odd way to start a day. It was nice to try to save something, since not much "saving" is getting done otherwise.

Now I know I'm not the only New Yorker that doesn't like Rudy Gulliani, but I'm beginning to think he's lost it. Read a story today about an interview where he stated that he gauged the city's budget by the size of the Wall Street bonuses.
He pointed out that when wall street had 1-2 billion in bonuses the city had a deficit. When they had 15-20 billion the dity had a surplus "because the money gets spent."
Okay guys... It gets spent on high end stuff that doesn't trickle down. That's just nonsense.
Besides the more important point is this:
Wall Street was failing because of it's own policies/excesses and the bailout money is the TAXPAYERS, not theirs'.


Off the topic of politics: Did you see the story on the tv news about the Florida couple that paid a small fortune for a cloned puppy of their deceased labrador. A pet, the family dog. Jobless, homeless people out there and they had to clone "Sir Lancelot" who died a natural death as all creatures eventually do. I'm sorry for your loss, but that's just ridiculous.

I said when Obama was elected that he wouldn't get the bipartisan support he was looking for and now the stimulus package is looking to be a slightly bloody battle. We shall see. It feels rather helpless out here in the real world as far as what we can do about this mess. Still hearing people saying that it would be better to just let the system adjust itself without bailing it out... better for who exactly?

Well, at least we saved a seagull. Maybe anyway.




Thursday, January 29, 2009

Not a single vote for Obama's stimulus package by a republican. Not even one?

I know it's mostly a political pissing contest power posturing conflict and that the republicans are trying to recoup it's lost authority but... seriously not one vote for Obama's stimulus package?
I don't pretend to understand the complexities of the economic mess we're in but I do know what I believe-

It doesn't matter what economic theory you believe will work because on paper many of them sound pretty good.
Terms like trickle down, trickle up, self regulating market adjustments, Keynesian, Micro, Macro, Supply-side, Marxist, on and on and on...

The problem is that the adjustments in economics is counted in effects on real people, not theoretical people.
The other problem is that the greed and corruption that is either allowed to exist in the system or just creeps in on it's own isn't accounted for. This screws up what might be a workable otherwise benign economy and more of those non-theoretical people.

So "Welcome" to the readjustment.

I'm struggling to understand why either party, democrats or republicans think they have any realistic answer to our problems.
It's been a long time since I took any economics classes in both history and anthropology (very interesting) but I'm behind the current administration just as I begrudgingly was behind the past few administrations because I believe they didn't want the country to fail and were doing what they felt was the right thing.

It didn't always turn out to be the right thing unfortunately but I have to believe our leaders are at least on the right side for the United States of America. I'm beginning to lose faith in a lot of the political arenas.
We are waist deep in corruption, greed, failing schools, skyrocketing health care costs, mortgage defaults, unemployment-
There's no point to go on because there are too many problems to fix in any realistically quick fashion.
So republicans and democrats have to get their shit act together and behave like adults.

And John Boehner if you want to be taken seriously don't say "Oh My God!" as a reaction to a serious stimulus package-
You're not a valley girl talking about the prom are you? How about some constructive criticism, of course neither party is great at that. Change that.
Oh, and before you accuse me of being unfair: I often can't listen to Barney Frank, Pelosi or Harry Reid so don't bother.

And everyone wants a simple answer? Get the hell up and do something. Everybody. If this isn't the time what the hell is?
The American people have gotten soft, let others make our decisions and sat by while our power has been frittered away.

How about requiring any agency, business or bank that gets a stimulus check stops sending jobs overseas?
But that won't ever happen would it?

Buh Bye Blagojevich, removed from office. That was a given. Won't miss you at all either. Let's see now if he'll he actually go to jail? Hmm.


Reasonably disgusted with congress... but what else is new.


I absolutely hate to be right when it's something that I was hoping I was just too cynical about and was really wrong...
But- So much for the bipartisianship. No, I didn't think in a million years it would happen but I figured I could hope anyway.

Rush Limbaugh hopes Obama fails because he disagrees with his policies...
Sarah Palin is drooling at the chance to have the repubs run her in 2012.
Everyone's got their motives and designs, no one wants to cooperate and make things work.

More of the same old shit.

Because they can?
Because they're ALL children? Obnoxious children that MUST get their own way or no way at all.

Don't they believe there's a real economic disaster on the horizon?

At this point I'd rather they gave everyone money to pay off existing debt then play this game. Hey, show me the money!

I'm sick of it. Both parties do it. Obama has really tried and a few weeks in and nothing but criticism.
Golly gee, if only we could vote for the economic stimulus... we would, but of course we can't because we just don't like it.
So the repubs say nay and the dems vote it in so if something goes wrong then the republicans will harp on it for 2012 starting, well, right about now I'd say.
Limbaugh is at least honest this time, I'm pretty sure he and many others would like to see Obama fail.
Because it's not the country that comes first with them... it's saying outrageous things to keep people listening to them.
Money, money, money. That's what it's really about. if suddenly they became reasonable no one would listen.

Our elected officials can't even agree on extending the digital signal for the tv... nope, because damn that's really important.

Fine. Interesting situation we find ourselves in. What exactly are we (the working class backbone of this country) supposed to do? Sigh. Patience dear Laura, they know what's best for us, right? Um, right?

Obviously if it was left to the republicans and they had the majority, NOTHING would be getting done just for spite.
So I guess the majority of people that voted Obama in don't count for anything.

I'm feeling really, really frustrated and angry.

Or as Stealers Wheel put it:

Clowns to the left of me
Jokers to the right, here I am,
Stuck in the middle with you. the working class.
everybody struggling to get through.




Monday, January 26, 2009

Boy I hope the Obama stimulus package fixes something in the ecomomy...

On the heels of CEO's getting bonuses as their companies failed...
On the wake of Madoff's "undiscovered until it was too late" Ponzi scheme that ripped off so very many.
I hope he understands what a corrupt capitalist weasel he is sitting in his penthouse with help, food and drink and a ankle bracelet but I doubt he gets it. None of them really seem to.

John Thain resigned under pressure from Bank of America after reports he rushed out billions of dollars in bonuses to Merrill Lynch employees in his final days as CEO there, while the brokerage was suffering huge losses and just before Bank of America took it over. CNBC said Thursday that Thain spent $1.22 million redesigning his office. Bank of America later received an additional $20 billion from the government, in part to offset the unexpected Merrill losses.
How does this shit outrageous disregard for the hard working taxpayers of this country happen? Over and over again. We need to rethink the consequences for so called "white collar" crimes, these aren't victimless crimes.

Lehman Brothers Chief Executive Richard Fuld sold his $13.3 million mansion to his wife for just $100 last November, according to Florida real estate records. He left after the Chapter 11 of Lehman. Yea, white collar crime. The rest of us just lose everything, out on the street. They protect it. Great.

Now there's the guy from Agape World in Hauppauge that newsday says is suspected in a scheme that cost investors some $370 million...

Why would we trust any investor, any bank, any CEO, any politician at this point?
It's so very hard to put this all together while so many Americans are hurting, and congress fights over a stimulus package that might or might not fix the mess we're in. I surely hope it does. But so far the bail outs have been steeped in excess and because of the lack of oversight money was given out and frittered away.

I hope the stimulus package works, I hope Obama succeeds in turning this country around or at least getting us on the right road. I don't think that the goal should be to go back to the way it was before. NO way.
I'm not sure where we should go exactly but we need to really take charge of our future.

Remember the saying "If you're not outraged you're not paying attention" Guess our attention is upon the system now!
And the system stinks to high heaven and probably always has.

You know all those people that think the government shouldn't control capitalism in any way...
Those that scream "liberal" "socialism" and spread fear of anything that they perceive of as un American because the market and capitalism should be unbridled with no government involvement whatsoever. The ones that believe capitalsim will always prevail: for it has in the past, well, sort of anyway. It will simply self adjust. Well, welcome to the readjustment.
People that believe businesses can regulate themselves. Sure and I've got swampland in Florida you should buy unseen.

Honesty is not a valued enough commodity these days. Ethical behavior is lacking and the anything goes mentality must stop.
Money is valued more than people it seems these days. It's a very sad situation we are in.

I wish you well President Barack Obama. I want you to succeed. I want all of us to succeed which is hard when we are bleeding jobs, 40,000 jobs lost on Monday.

On that happy note: Welcome Timothy Geitner to the position of Obama's Treasury Secretary and um, good luck.




Sunday, January 25, 2009

The countdowns are over. What's the story with Paterson?

I said I wasn’t surprised that Paterson picked Kirsten Gillibrand previously.
However that doesn’t mean I agree with his choice.
First off she’s fairly conservative for a democrat, well ok so that’s not the end of the world.
But she’s not a strong backer of gay rights and is endorsed by the NRA, and quite a bit of the unknown to the rest of the state.
When Kennedy dropped out it seemed from what Patterson said that he was almost pre-determined to pick a woman to replace Hillary.

Now I may be totally off base here but if it was me was making the choice, I would have chose Cuomo so that he definitely didn’t run against me for the governership. After all Paterson is in an odd position himself being a result of the Spitzer disaster. Now he’s alienated a lot of democrats and I have no idea why he would do that intentionally. Who was advising him I wonder?
There are certainly people that don’t like Gillibrand and will run against her in 2010 and she may be a strong candidate in a more republican area of upstate running as a conservative democrat but… can she really fly in an election over the whole state? She’ll be challenged by at least one other woman and Cuomo would beat her hands down if he doesn’t decide to take out Paterson instead.

What a weird drawn out mess Paterson turned the appointing of one senator into.
Drama, drama.
Kennedy should have stayed out of it and taken time to cultivate her possible entrance into politics.
But she didn’t.
Paterson should not have taken so long and then seem to quickly pick out of a hat.
But he didn’t.

I wonder who Hillary Clinton would have picked for her successor? Hmm.

Oh well, nobody checks these things with me. lol. What the hell would I know?




Thursday, January 22, 2009

Two days into the Obama Presidency. Can't believe Bush has finally left the building!

Looks like Geithner will be approved dispite the tax thing.
Congresswoman Kirsten Gillibrand is the likely pick for Hillary Clinton's senate seat.
He is definitely going to pick a woman I'm sure of it and I think it will be Kirsten too.
Wasn't too sure about Caroline Kennedy for many reasons.

I'm rather annoyed by something that Rush LImbaugh said (big surprise).
Rush said on air that he hopes President Obama fails. Literally that is what he said. He wants Obama to fail.
He disagrees with Obama obviously but to say such a thing at this time and place is pure bullshit.
To wish failure on Obama means that many American’s would have to suffer even more than they are now.
I despise Rush Limbaugh, what a jerk. How stupid can you get and still be listened to?
What’s the difference between him and any ex-drug addict, oh, yea, he’s not in jail. Yes, ole’ Rush’s moral character is of the finest caliber… but I guess his God forgives him those trespasses eh?

Interesting thing about Rush Limbaugh… he has a web site of course where you can go listen to his tirades.
Or at least you should be able to, but there’s just one thing: you can’t listen to anything without joining his “group.” Costs you money to do that folks. So I guess Rush is just another money grubbing creep. So many of them out there. Check Rushie’s site out:

Limbaugh's World

Very high opinion of himself it would seem. Bill O’Reilly’s site has the same thing. Ya gotsa pony up the bucks if you want your daily dose of right wing dogma.
Well, at least I can see those cute lil’ clips on CNN and You Tube even if I wouldn’t in a million years send any money to hear your constant tirades and add to your coffers. we can find you out there for free… oh lucky us.


I want President Obama to succeed. Sane people want Obama to succeed.
All people want to avoid a depression. Most people support whoever is the president of the United States of America even if they didn’t personally vote for him/her themselves. We don’t wish our president ill we support him. The majority of people in our democracy freely of our own volition VOTED for President Obama.
I didn’t vote for George Bush but I didn’t want him to fail if it meant that our country would fail.
Shut up Rush. Just shut up. I know you won’t but it’s a free country and I’m free to dream.
Actually I don’t care if you shut up really, I just hope people start to think about some of those really inflamatory and stupid things you keep saying and simply stop listening to you. That would be better, since you share the same freedom of speech we all have.




Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The day after inauguration... or the rocky road back to the future.

Hillary Clinton the new Secretary of State.
VP or President would have been better but I think Obama stands the best chance to get us out of some of this mess.
There will be time for a woman president (and there will be one).
Approval for new position for Hillary 94-2.

Caroline Kennedy is out of the race for the NY senate seat vacated by Hillary. Interesting.
Not sad about that because although she's certainly capable and well educated, I think her manner of speaking would have driven me crazy. I'm happy to not have to listen to GW anymore.

And speaking of people that are somewhat linguistically challenged, David Letterman did a final skit last week and I don't know how long it will be availible to view but I'm going to put it here anyway. It's funny and worth watching.

Funny that the J Crew site went down because of the Obama women's outfits at inauguration.
I think I like this new first family alot!!!
Since today is the start of a new presidency don't have much to say. So what I'm going to do is post some of the photos I took on one of my long walks in the snow a few days ago. It was the only daytime walk I took, mainly so I could take photos.

Walking in the snow is soothing and peaceful. One of my favorite things to do.
I don't think I could live somewhere that there was never any snow.




Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day!!! Our new President Barack Obama!

A new page in the history of the United States of America.
A new day. Let everyone work together to make this the nation it could be, it should be...
It won't be easy, it won't happen overnight. But we can make it happen if we don't lose faith in ourselves and our nation.

Everyone out there that has been whining about our moral character, our work ethic, our school systems, family values and all our major issues: time to own up to yourselves. Take stock. Start doing something to help.
Remember that old adage "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." Yea well probably true!

Watched the inauguration and it went pretty much the way I expected it to.
President Obama's speech was just enough. As the pundits pointed out he said "we and us" not "I" for the most part.
It was a speech not only for Americans but for the world.
I think if this presidency doesn't work, it won't be because of Barack Obama it will be collectively all of our faults.

Eldest son was in DC and scored a ticket to the ceremony the last minute. He said it was really amazing, the spirit of everyone and the numbers of people. They were having fun afterwards skating on the pool without skates. lol.

We finally have a Leader after too many years.

One of the most powerful thoughts in a speech that I heard when I was a wee child and many replays afterwards was by JFK:

"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."

The statement applies today as it did back then... we must take responsibility for our country.
All countries must take responsibility for the world we all live in.

It was nice to see young children in the presidential family, the young people are the future of our country.

I feel very hopeful tonight.
We have the chance to change our destiny, I don't know if we can do it or not, but it is up to all of us.
We must hold our elected officials up to scrutiny, we must make difficult choices before it's too late.
We must work hard and fix our problems instead of business as usual which amounts to ignoring outcomes and crossing our fingers. We knew that didn't work when we were around 6 years old. We need to grow up. Quickly.

I'm proud of Barack Obama, Joe biden, and I won't forget Hillary Clinton either.
We can prevail.



Monday, January 19, 2009

Tomorrow!!! Finally it's tomorrow!!! Inauguration Day is finally here.

G'bye George Bush not sorry to see you go.
Hello President Barack Obama, very happy to see you and good luck with the mess we're in.

Did catch up with all the news I missed yesterday due to my playing in the snow!
I'm heartened by the changing of the guard as are most of us who are really hopeful that President Obama will be better prepared to work with the war in Iraq and our economy. I think it's going to be tough.

They keep talking about Obama's 89% approval rate and how 79% of the people just "like" him and feel he'll be a good president.
The thing that keeps bothering me about these stats (aside from the fact that I took a lot of statistics courses and realize how sketchy they can be) is that there were quite a lot of people attending McCain/Palin rallies that seemed very unhappy with Obama and even a bit scared and angry about him. Where did these people all go off to and are they actually in the count?

Didn't get that much out of the Rhom Emanuel interview (NBC) or David Axlerod's (ABC) as far as what the state of the union might actually be or if the stimulus package will truly fix things. Rather anxious about the amount of spending we don't have. Isn't that what got us all into this mess in the first place? The interviews only brought more questions into my mind.
I want to be supportive and get behind fixing the future, but I'm a bit unsure about what will end up in the plan. I know Obama says there won't be any unnecessary pork but I'm having trouble believing it. How much will creating jobs cost and what kind of jobs will they be? Construction won't work for many that need jobs... what other jobs are we talking about?

What projects will be funded? I suppose if I trusted our elected officials (and it's really hard to do that these days) I'd feel that we'd have an efficient stimulus package. Lean and mean. The problem is that I think congress can't get out of it's own way for the most part. I do believe we have a short window of effectiveness for all this though. What to do, what to do...

I wonder if Palin is sitting in Alaska hoping Obama fails and the republicans will run her to come in and F things up further save the day. Nasty old media made this whole economic mess up to thwart their economic plans, wait, McCain/Palin didn't seem to have one did they?

Please put Bernie Madoff in jail along with anyone else like him. Are his assets frozen like mine would've been? I hope so.
Weasel of the worst kind and he doesn't even get it.

Okay so I'm going to stop being worried, tomorrow is the start of the Barack Obama presidency and I along with the majority of this fine country will be watching it on the tv, computer and enjoying the start of a new administration.

Went out and took some nice snowy photos today I'll post them after President Elect Barack Obama IS President Barack Obama. Sounds good to me!




Sunday, January 18, 2009

Two days left of GW Bush I can't believe it!

Jealous of Eldest son that lives in DC... He went to the concerts at Lincoln Memorial today with friends!
Bruce Springsteen and all the others. :sigh:: Cold but it sounded like fun.

So two days left till Obama is officially the president of the USA and "Thanks for the nightmares memories George W. Bush. BuhBye.

Haven't found the time to watch the Meet The Press from this morning though I want to catch the Rohm Emanuel segment to hear (and see) what he says.
Reason I'm behind on the news? It's snowing on Long Island.
I love snow. I have always loved snow and I likely always will love snow!
Went shopping before the snow and then this evening it was beautiful outside so I took my long walk as I always do.

Walking in the snow soothes my soul.
When I came back later on (I'm prone to long walks in the snow) this is what I did:

Goodnight everyone,
have a pleasant tomorrow.
I'm hoping when my son comes home shortly we'll have a snowball fight.
Probably won't but not because I don't try... lol



Three days left until the Bush administration fades into the sunset!


I understand why the incoming administration doesn't want to create a ruckus in the republican and democrat camps about the idea of looking into the Bush Administration's illegalities over the past 8 years. I really do. I get that it would create a media firestorm and has the possibility of a three ring circus-like atmosphere. I know if it was taken to congress it would tie them up inexorably in endless testimony and argument. I realize it would take money to run such proceedings, that we don't want to invest the time and cost of hearings at this point in time.

I also know that what Barack Obama said: “I don’t believe that anybody is above the law... we need to look forward as opposed to looking backwards.” doesn't even remotely begin to cover the issue at hand. I know that this logic is sound in the sense that in the grip of an economic meltdown he wants to keep the good will of both parties together and move the country forward towards a better time than now. Maybe he feels that an investigation into the policies and practices of the Bush administration would take necessary time and be a distraction to current pressing problems.

But I really needed a firmer condemnation of the blatent disregard the outgoing administration's towards human rights, constitutional law and overstepping of power of office. Bad enough we were sent to war under false pretense but to allow this to happen without bringing any accountability to bear is beyond wishing for bipartisanship. It is unconscionable and ignores the truth and justice that we keep being told is the American way of democracy.

At the very least set up a special commitee and create a report.

Paul Krugman article NY Times
We're talking some gross disregard for the laws, more along the possibility of Watergate, arguably in some cases even worse. There were hearings over Iran/Contra, Nixon resigned under clouds of wrongdoing, others went to jail...

For god's sake the republicans against the wishes of the majority of the people in this country spent a fortune on Kenneth Starr and his report while trying to impeach Bill Clinton because he lied about, uh, "getting a Lewinski?" Seriously. This country was dragged through the mud because of a vendetta for Clinton... over what? Not even close to the things this administration has done, and shows no remorse for doing.

It's not possible that as a country we will turn away from foul policies that caused so many deaths and trampled all over what our country is supposed to stand for???
This is the major problem with this country right now. It's always the other guy's fault. As a matter of fact Bush himself stated: "If it feels good do it, if you got a problem blame somebody else..."
No one takes responsibility for f**king up anymore straight on up to our elected officials/ People lie, cheat and steal... if it's overlooked at the top how do you expect the "average joe's" to be more noble then them?
The response to the near disaster plane in NY's Hudson River shows what our country and our people are capable of. Please Barack Obama as President: don't let this administration get away with these crimes.

Congressional hearings and further justice can be put on the back burner for a later date while you work on the economy but there must be an official record of this travesty.

The time is thankfully near to a new administration and hopefully to a better future.




Friday, January 16, 2009

Four days left to inauguration, can't believe it's finally so very close!

Starting with the personal tonight:
Wedding anniversary next week. First the inauguration then our aniversary. We were married during a cold snap, only two people stayed and threw rice at us because it was bitter cold. If it snows next week that will be fine as it will be snowy and cold just like it was twenty-five years ago. Yup. Actually we've been together for 35 years, hard to believe but true. Ten years together before we got married. Not bad, its been up, down, happy, sad, and everything in between. Was going to say tough/easy, but upon reflection I can't remember it ever actually being all that "easy" so I'll leave that one alone. Anyway in my early fifties, four grown children later and life is still good.

Watched some more clips of the plane landing from La Guardia, NY into the Hudson River yesterday. Absolutely incredible. So many people did their jobs so well and effectively. I wish all emergencies were handled with such dedication, ability and compassion. The pilot Chesley Sullenberger III did a fantastic job landing that plane. These are the real heros of the world not the "Joe the Plumbers" that just babble away and do nothing yet still become sad celebrities. Please give the pilot whatever the highest public service honor is for NY Governor Paterson, he deserves it.

Listened to the whole Bush speech from last night. Not impressed. But as he keeps saying History will tell... he doesn't seem to lose sleep over the mess he's made so I suppose re-writing history is the easiest way to deal with the whole mess. Hopefully with only four days left this administration can't screw anything else up.




Thursday, January 15, 2009

Five days left and GW gives his formal BuhBye...


Obama gets his 350 billion relaeased from TARP. And floats the $825 billion stimulus plan… Whew. Don’t know what to think about the economic package yet, it’s beyond my scope of “do we have any money left for gas?” life.

Was watching the rescue of the 155 people onboard the US Airways plane just after take off from La Guardia Airport in New York. They saved them all. Seems that the accident was caused by a flock of birds just after takeoff forcing an unexpected landing into the Hudson River. Scary. One thing I never want to hear in my lifetime is the pilot saying over the speaker “We’re going down Brace for impact.” Oldest son came home and went back over the holidays to DC on a similar flight in and out of La Guardia. Amazing landing and thanks to all those boats that helped out. Please give the pilot a key to the city or something.

Perhaps a lukewarm welcome to Senator Roland Burris from Illinois, but confirmation nonetheless. Took longer than I expected it to.

George W Bush gave his formal BuhBye speech, have nothing to say about that at the moment but “thank you.”

Is waterboarding torture? You betcha. No real way around it. We have condemned it in the past towards others, so if we don’t prosecute people here for engaging in it, what does that say about us I wonder?

I read somewhere I don’t remember now where at the moment that Christopher Hitchens (the journalist) volunteered to undergo Waterboarding himself. He stated his belief that it was clearly torture. It will be interesting to see what the new administration thinks about waterboarding, illegal wiretapping et al…

But clearly the best news of all is the Spiderman/Obama inauguration comic book issue is ready to go and I shall have one. Okay so admittedly it’s only great news to me but then I love comics to begin with. Anyway here’s the cover:

Have a pleasant tomorrow.



Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Six days left of President Bush, dare I hope in the face of multiple disasters?


I was talking about Bush's last press conference and how he twisted around his facts to give his version of his legacy.
I see Jon Stewart picked up on it which I got a laugh or two out of though it really isn't that funny that GW really believes it.

The other thing I was talking about here a number of days ago Ann Coulter's new tirade book which is titled
"Guilty: Liberal "Victims" and Their Assault on America." She blames the victims for being victims and whining about it when they are really the oppressors themselves... What the hell is she talking about?
Well, anyway here's the link again to the interview that Harry Smith of CBS did when she was promoting the new book recently.

Watch CBS Videos Online

Now, if you want to listen to the Jon Stewart Daily Show's clips of Sarah Palin's interview for a conservative documentary on How Obama Got Elected and you'll see what I'm thinking...

If you put the two clips of these women who apparently speak for the conservative enclave... both seem to be very popular and are definitely listened to if you can believe book sales, tv and other media coverage. They both also seem to be inordinately narcissistic centered on themselves a wee bit too much.

I'm thinking that Ann and Sarah are both covered by the Guilty book. Since both irrationally believe that there is some left wing conspiracy against them in the media and both believe they are right and most everyone else is wrong...
Seems to me that it isn't "only the liberals" that are crying victim, which somehow makes them whiny and oppressors of the rational folk- since both of them fit Ann's discription of whiners crying victim!!! Loudly and Clearly!!!
Please stop knowingly situating yourselves clearly in the spotlight because you crave it and then complain when people take notice and (gasp) criticize what you say... Seriously stop whining little girls. Just stop.
Tell me I'm wrong... Normally I'm not sexist, being female and all but, hey, even I'd pay to see the cat fight Ann and Sarah could turn a joint interview into.

Sleep well if you can.



Tuesday, January 13, 2009

One week left of being Bushwacked by GW and his band of merry men...


The judge decided not to revoke Madoff’s house arrest. Are you serious? He gets to eat well, keep his help and hide his assets? And I have to think about whether I have gas money today? Amazing. Tell me again that they don’t treat the wealthy differently in this country. I’m pretty sure I’d be in jail by now. Even after listening to Nightline talking about how it's fair that Madoff's left in his penthouse under "house arrest" I'm still so unconvinced.

Frustrating times we are living in right now...

News of yet another scam... this time a health insurance rip off (now there's a surprise right?) Attorney General Andrew Cuomo of NY has got a settlement for millions from some companies like United Health Care and Oxford because they have overcharged people with co-pays, reinbursement rates etc... Though they settled they are allowed to admit to no wrong doing at all. They make the settlement payments and nothing happens to the companies at all. No one is fired there is no new oversight. So what stops them from going back to business as usual later on? Probably nothing. They said they based their payment rates on outside "usual, customary and reasonable rates" when actually they were making them up themselves.... So rather than a win for the people that will stop further corruption in it's tracks it's more like a brokered deal to me. A payoff.

This is Justice? No, it's what passes for justice these days. Not even close.

Watched Hillary answering questions today in her secretary of state congressional hearings... a lot about Bill (another surprise) and conflict of interest. Word of the day for Hillary: Albatross Liability Confirmation.


Went to doctors over miserable cold. Stay home a few days and take antibiotics for nasty sinus infection. Oh yay. At least it explains the sheer exhaustion, constant headaches and face pain with the coughing.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Nine days left of GW Bush... finally in the single digits (or didgits if you're GW).


Last night I was talking aobut the economic melt down and how it really worries me that no one seems to have any answers.
Today on "Meet The Press" half the show was on the economy.
It made me feel good to hear more people talking about the problem because it needs discussion but at the same time it didn't make me feel much better. That's because this discussion should have taken place around 3 or so years ago.
There were many interesting topics that could have been made into one whole show instead of half but it was worth listening to. I find I'm liking David Gregory as the moderator a lot, he's lively, smart and interested it seems.

They brought up a point that I've been thinking about: If the economic stimulus plan does work is the goal to get back to where we were before? Because it seems to me that unrestrained extreme capitalism is not working for most of the "lower classes" and by that I mean the really poor, poor, lower class and middle class.
Is the goal to go back to business as usual where the top 10% of the food chain holds all the money and power?
Yea, yea I know, when you start talking like that it gets you called a socialist/communist/bleeding heart liberal whatever...
Which I'm not. I don't understand why we associate unregulated capitalism with our democracy.
Well, look where we are now.

The second half of the show was on Obama and how it effects Black Americans that he was elected president of the United States of America (Bill Cosby was one of the speakers).
It's interesting to me that I always thought the description "Black Americans" wasn't all that satisfactory since there are no Black or White people really.
And African American is inadequate since all "black" or "people of color" (which is pretty much everybody) aren't from Africa.
I think that a Barack Obama presidency is good for ALL Americans though perhaps more poignant for Black Americans.
A long time coming... And one day we will have a woman as president too, though NOT Sarah Palin. Puhleeze.

Gonna say g'night for now,
I might be back later but I'm tired and want to make hot tea.
Still coughing, this cold is really frustrating.



Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ten more days of GW Bush... or hey it's snowing outside!


I'm rather concerned with Obama's economic stimulus plan.
Been listening to the economists blathering (and isn't that an interesting profession?) The only thing they seem to agree on is that we're in economic trouble and that something should be done about it. Gee thanks. I knew that a few years ago and the writing was on the wall before that. Just one big credit party going on out there for years and years.
The American Dream for many years has been basically buy stuff. You'll be happy, just buy stuff. If you can't afford it, charge stuff. The idea is don't deny yourself what you want and it was sold directly to the public.

*George Carlin once said that:
They call it the American Dream for a reason...
You have to be asleep to believe it.

The credit industry (like a few others) are basically loan sharks as far as I can see... they don't break legs, they just threaten people who owe money and repossess or sell off all your stuff. They want you hooked on them, they're scum like coke dealers that give it out free to get people strung out. Bush said post 9-11 go out and buy stuff to help the economy and show "them" that we are strong.
This is the problem. It's like a gambling addiction to spending money on stuff there's no way we need on any level. Whole industries are built on getting you to buy things you don't need because anyone who's anybody has more stuff than you.

So some economists think the stimulus isn't large enough, others criticize where the money would go and what limited jobs it would create. They disagree on what should be done, congress is poised to fight about it and at the same time economists say they hope it isn't too late with too little. Good God nobody really has a clue do they?

So now would be the time to retire those credit cards, try to live only on cash. Just don't buy stuff you don't need.
I'm thinking the party's over probably for some time. Pay bills.
Just finished working up facts for our budget. Got calls to make on refinancing to find out if it's worth it for us or not.

Ann Coulter is still around talking about her book. Sarah Palin is around talking about how everyone in the press was so unfair to her. Blago, Burris, Congress, Democrats, Republicans and everybody inbetween... complaining ever so loudly about how unfair everything is and how it's all someone else's fault. Makes me crazy, sounds so whiney at times I have trouble listening.
Ethics. Honesty. Responsibility. All seem to be badly in need these days.

Hoping to hear on Monday that Madoff is in jail without bail. Sleezy bastard. And I still want to know who knew what was going on? Did anyone else profit from the scam? Makes me sick that he knowingly ripped people off the way he did. How the hell do these people sleep at night, I really don't get it.

Weird start for a New Year isn't it?

Finally feeling better as far as my cold anyway.
Snowing in NY, going out for a walk.
Walking in snow calms my soul.




Thursday, January 8, 2009

A dozen days left of BushLite's presidency: What no roses?


Well now we're looking at Congress' typically twisted way of showing bipartisanship... Republicans acting like democrats and democrats acting like republicans. Which by the way gets us no further along on the road to agreement or unity at all.
The question is not who's on what side; it's who's going to work with Obama.
Please make Reid stop talking before he thinks things through, actually let that be a model for them all.

Reid's still holding out on seating Burris on a technicality about a signature on his paperwork. Though everyone has pretty much stated directly or indirectly at this point that he will be seated.
I'm still thinking that Blago isn't going to jail after all the dust clears... unless there's more we haven't heard yet, because I think they jumped the gun this time. We'll see eh? They probably will remove him from office though if they can manage to.
Reid needs to stop talking. I expect the republicans to express skepticism about Obama but Reid says he's not going to simply go along with Obama... blah, blah, blah, stop talking... Jeeze Reid, Obama's not even president yet.

So Reid defends his position against Burris on his incredible principles (fear of the spread of "taint") but gives a speech that praises Ted Stevens for his indictment on seven federal counts of years of service.

And it's interesting that Sarah Palin is on the whine again about the unfair treatment of her and her family by the liberal leaning press. And how Caroline Kennedy is getting a free ride from the media... now surely you jest Ms Gov Palin? The press is happily crucifying Caroline. She isn't getting any free ride. Her pedigree has been picked at, her experience criticized, even her speech has been mimicked by commentators, pundits and (golly gee) late night talk hosts.
You know, someone, um, called her diction "valley girl" style, like you know, um... yea.

Then again, Palin wouldn't know a cause to be sympathetic if it jumped up and bit her in the ass 'cause, she's being that the only one criticized that is out there and so it seems to make her crazy, you betcha.

I still can't get the image of a giant Putin rearing his head over the Alaskan tundra. AAAaarrrgggghhhhh!!!
So hard to take anything seriously at a very important time that everything should be taken seriously.

Wow, five presidents in one Oval Office, and lightning didn't strike!!!
Two George Bushes, one Clinton and a Carter, standing with president elect Barack Obama.

Truly amazing but me being me, of course I couldn't stop thinking about the Saturday Night Live cartoon spoofs "The X Presidents." Always dependably tasteless and crass but nevertheless oddly funny. Did you remember that the SNL cartoon "The Ambiguously Gay Duo" was voiced by Steve Carell and Steve Colbert? You can see one of the cartoons here but remember I said it was funny tasteless... The X-Presidents

Sleep well,



Wednesday, January 7, 2009

In thirteen days Barack Obama will be sworn in as the president of the United States, less than 2 weeks!!!


Seems like in a short time I'll be able to say that I was correct about Burris being seated in the senate right from the start.
Of course I would never engage in saying "I told you so." Never. Nope.
But it would seem that I was right. lol.
Now let's see what happens to Blago... should be interesting.

Nothing new here.
Tired but feeling a little bit better.
New Year will be happier when I get over this damnable tenacious cold.




Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fourteen days left of GW Bush, Two Weeks!!! The end to a long eight years.


So Ann Coulter is on the rant again.
She has a new tirade against all things she deems liberal.
Still blaming the victims for being victims and says they are actually the oppressors...
I guess I'll never be able to follow Annie's logic, because the more she digs herself in the less she makes sense.

Watch this interview it really is a great Harry Smith moment!
I would like to ask even more pointed questions of her.
And she thinks liberal's are the whiners. Seriously Ann, why don't you whine some more?
The title of her book you ask?
Guilty: Liberal "Victims" and Their Assault on America

I know she irritates me but I would think that even conservatives would find her incredibly annoying.
I love the way she dresses, she's hard to take seriously. And she laughs all the way to the bank...

Watch CBS Videos Online

So Burris isn't being seated for now, what a surprise.
Still think there's no reason to not seat him, we shall see.
No worse than any of the other senators out there that are, well, let's say mediocre at best.

And how is it that Obama announced his choice for the head of the Central Intelligence Agency without talking to Dianne Feinstein? (The new chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee) Leon E. Panetta, a 70 year old with little or no intelligence experience. Odd choice. Obama seems to be having some difficulty with some of his choices... Bet it's hard to find qualified (or otherwise) folk in politics that are even remotely close to squeaky clean.

Crummy NY weather for tonight and tomorrow...
Getting really tired of being sick.

Stay warm.



Monday, January 5, 2009

Fifteen days to the close of George W Bush's amazing legacy...


This is why I think we need more than the luck that we've been running this country on:

I see the democrats and the republicans as opposing factions that are part of the same enormous problem.

The best analogy I explanation I can give is reflected in the behavior of packs of dogs.

The republicans have at least one powerful dog that immediately upon seeing the prize knocks all the other dogs out of the way and lunges at the meaty bone to grasp it. It runs off with the bone in its mighty jaws. The rest of the republican dogs take off in a flash after the top dog with the bone. There are usually three plans in the pack’s mind.

1) The idea of catching up to and stealing back the bone. This a ploy to wrest the lead dog’s position of power by gaining control over the bone. Ultimately nothing truly changes and the chase remains on. The only difference is the dog leading the charge.

2) The pack races in pursuit hoping to scoop up any stray morsels of meat that jar loose during the mad chase. They are always happy to take credit for any hunks of meat they can scavenge as if it was won in a fight or given freely to them although they did nothing themselves. This is a popular republican dog belief that roughly follows the idea that if you throw enough shit at the wall, something is bound to stick eventually, but in the mean time, there's enough excess crap to go around and sustain most of the other dogs.

3) The longest term goal is in the hopes of convincing the lead dog to share while offering loyalty and services in exchange (officially the I stroke your belly you stroke mine position). Though the democrat dogs often mimic this goal they're rarely successful at it as their loyalty is not as structured as the republican dogs.

No matter which belief governs any one dog’s behavior, their strong point is that all the republican dogs at least run in the same general direction even though their loyalties may lie in different places. On at least a primeval level the dogs recognize the concept of strength in numbers (and stampeding over the opposition). They're far more conservative and rigid than the democrat dogs. They only want to further their beliefs and causes. They don't particularly care about the well-being or representation of those dogs not behaving according to the laws of their pack.

The democrats believe in fairness to all dogs (at least in principle) and care about the plight of “the everyday or main street dog.” In the name of impartiality and tolerance they take the bone and throw it up for grabs over all the dogs making it almost impossible for one particular lead dog to keep control over the pack for any amount of time. Their pack's behavior is governed by somewhat different behavioral rules from the republican dogs.

1) In the event one dog becomes too powerful and holds onto the bone too long the others nip, nag, bite, bark and growl at the top dog until they bring it down. Upon rare instances they psychologically injure the lead dog making it useless for any position of authority but do allow it a pity factor. The injured dog then is allowed to whine endlessly without reprimand.

2) They meet in order to decide their game plan for holding on to the bone in large groups. When they can't agree on protocol they actively attack the dog holding the bone or those even remotely near the bone. The democrat dogs then get any hold on the meaty bone they can and spend all their time, tearing and tugging it back and forth. They stay in one place and get nowhere fast.

3) There isn't actually a third rule since there aren't any democrat dogs alive that still can remember deliberately overcoming the perpetual tail chasing around in circles in order to consistently succeed. The democrat dogs would be so intensely involved in arguing every possible course of action they could take before any option could be put in effect. They would inevitably take their eyes off of the bone. All it took was one unprotected moment for a lead republican dog to swoop in and steal the bone away. Often it took quite a while for the democrat dogs to realize their loss.

The democrat dogs have a major problem with remaining in power over the republican dogs because they can't seem to get out of their own way. They self-destruct with in fighting and a lot of barking without biting. They periodically gather to rebuild the group in order to have something to tear apart again. They are more liberal and scattered in their beliefs and therefore often sabotage any power they accidentally acquire through unintentional solidarity. They understand the merit of the republican dogs strategy for living but choose not to follow it. The democrat dogs see themselves as representing every living dog and want to give them their day. Unfortunately every dog doesn't want the democrat dogs to represent the dogs they don't agree with.

This political impasse between the packs always leads to stalemate and selective justice for the general masses of dogs, for neither the republican or democrat dogs make a huge difference over the long run.

Many see themselves as free-range dogs that are happy to live out their days trying to balance work and play to maintain their many obligations. They don't understand why all dogs can't live and work together toward mutual goals. But the free-range dogs aren't in charge and the democrat and republican dogs maintain that they know what’s best for all dogs and must protect them from not only themselves but the dog eat dog world they live in.

I wonder what a dog biscuit is worth these days?


No political news tonight just the bedtime story...




Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sixteen days to the Obama inauguration, it's getting oh so close!


If you can stand to listen to Harry Reid for a while check out today's Meet the Press.
I'm not a fan of Reid but it was an interesting interview. I've decided that I like David Gregory as moderator for the show.
He asks hard questions and follows up on them. I like that.

At any rate, They talk about the Blagojevich appointment of Burris to the Illinois senate seat vacated by Obama.
Politician's talk with forked tongues out of both sides of their mouth. It's so amazing.
At one point when pressed to answer a question about how Reid says they won't seat Burris in the senate it goes like this:

SEN. REID: Hey, listen, David, I'm an old trial lawyer. There's always room to negotiate.

MR. GREGORY: All right, so you're not saying no completely that he won't serve?

SEN. REID: That's right.

Nah, I'd never know that you were a lawyer by the way you twist and turn questions and answers about like that in the wind.
So the proverbial non answer of "room to negotiate" is the answer to the question that is actually truly a non answer... Wow.
I think Rush made the point in the song "Freewill" how "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."
Politicians choose to be unclear there's no doubt about it!

To grow up to be a politician you must first learn this cardinal rule little grasshopper:

You must learn the art of double speak, the art of saying one thing and appearing to say another or to say nothing at all and make it appear to mean something. You must learn this art well my child and you will grow up to be a great politician.

Thinking of song lyrics here's another appropriate one by Queen:

Another one bites the dust, Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone, Another one bites the dust
Hey, Im gonna get you too, Another one bites the dust...

Yes, that would be Obama's choice for Secretary of Commerce in his cabinet... BuhBye Bill Richardson.
Bill withdrew his name because of, yup you guessed it, yet another "ongoing grand jury investigation" into contract/donation/business allegations.
Are there no honest men and women left in this country to represent us?
Wait, since we elect our representatives; we might just be getting what does indeed represent us after all and that dear friends is what makes me the most depressed... Ethics, hard work and truth seem to be in short order these days all around.
I wonder if that was what Bob Dylan meant when he sang "The Times They Are A-Changin'?"

On that happy note I'm going to bed.
Still sick but beginning to feel better.




Saturday, January 3, 2009

Seventeen days until George Bush goes into forced retirement from presidential duties (thank goodness)


Worried that the conflict in Gaza Strip is going to escalate. This has been going on back and forth for such a very long time.
I don't know how people carry on their daily lives under such duress. I can't imagine trying to take care of my children while listening to mortar fire and things exploding nearby. The politics of who's right and who's wrong and who has God on their side.

It now appears Stuart Smalley has indeed won the Minnesota election by 225 votes. I doubt it'll change now.
Coleman still plans to challenge however and the GOP says they're gonna block his "provisional" seating until all court proceedings are finished. ::sigh::
In other words yet another political pissing contest... or a more like a children's shoving match.
I am too, No you're not- I am, Are not, Am too, No I am, No you're not and so on until the teacher intervenes.
Oh I forgot they are the ones in charge of the playing field. Damn.

I'm still sick and I had a truly nasty migraine today, which killed about half of my day.
I do have medicine that I take and it does work but I hate taking it. But the headache won this round hands down.
Back to less sheer pain and just my miserable stuffy cold, which seems much more tolerable after this morning.

Here's hoping that everyone's New Year has been all right so far.
I'm hoping this week to get back to normal, cold can't last too much longer I expect.
I want to play with my video camera.




Friday, January 2, 2009

Eighteen days till GW disappears into the woodwork... or the promise of a brand New year.


I'd be happier with the start of 2009 if I didn't have such a crummy cold.
Not that I can remember anytime remotely recent going out for New Year's Eve but damn this was sooo boring.
cough, cough, sputter, UGH. Watched the ball go down in NYC on TV by myself.
Yay!! Happy New Year!!! ::sigh::
At least I feel a little better today, thankful of the little things.

So I've kept myself from going completely crazy by watching Season 3, 4 and 5 of Miami Vice on a free trial of NetFlix.
Finished it up today. In between coughing, hot tea, ginger ale, soup, I was watching either a news program or Crockett and Tubbs. The guest appearances are fun. Many of them are still around today except much older.
The cars: to die for. The people all pretty. The music often awesome.

I'm struck by the obvious things that we don't see that much of in men's clothing these days: puffy shirts, pastel colors and linen, linen and more linen jackets, pants and shirts. With the occasional crazy silk shirts. Lack of socks.

But something I'd never noticed before Crockett and Tubbs both had incredibly manicured nails.
Looked like they never put in a hard days work there. Perfect clean, buffed hands and nails.
Don't know why this surprised me, since hair and make up was prime on that series.
Don Johnson and his perfectly coiffed uh, for the most part mullet.
Yea, some things just never seem to go away culturally no matter how we wish it would.

The three ring circus that is our political system continues on...
Can't believe the Madoff mess. Shouldn't have happened. Still want to deregulate everything?
Self regulation seems to be going so well. Somebody could have done something about this but didn't.
Haven't got a lot of faith in the system at large at all anymore. Yay, rah, unfettered capitalism!

Sorry, I'm starting to cough a lot again and I'm going to pack it in now.

Stay warm and safe,



Thursday, January 1, 2009

Nineteen days left of the really lame, lame duck president and a Happy New Year!


Happy New Year Everyone!!!
Hope this year is a good one. Let's hope for better times.

The senate democrats don't want to seat Burris because of Blago.
What a dilemma. Wish they were handling it with appropriate diplomacy but as it typical it's just a mess.
No we won't... yes, you will... No you can't... Yes, we will... Look at the other senators folks this is such a joke.
Congress acting like spoiled children that need to get their way. Now there's a surprise right?
However this all plays out, it just adds to the three ring circus atmosphere that surrounds our elected public officials.
Nothing so far is making me trust them anymore than I did before.

And isn't it particularly special that Madoff can afford 10 million dollars bail using security from his homes.
Yea, homes in the plural.
Getting kinda tired of people with more homes than they can remember to count.
Amazing how things seem to work.
Wonder what he did with the money, where it's stashed away?
Here's a toast to hoping that all his assets and accounts are frozen. I'm pretty sure if I scammed folk even with my meager worth that mine would be right away and I'd still be sitting in jail unable to post any real amount of bail.
We're buried in student loans, mortgage, house bills, running a home and trying to keep up with family obligations.
But we keep paying and cutting back on many things. Like Christmas gifts.
Like keeping the thermostat down low... wonder what Madoff's family is cutting back on?
Stuff bought with other people's money I suppose, if at all, yup if at all.

Did I just hear the clinking of Champagne glasses toasting to the new year when I closed my eyes?
Nope, that would be the dish washer trying to chip my Kmart glasses.
Well one small plus... we never had money to invest in Madoff's Ponzi scheme.
Oh yay, now I'm feeling great!

Obviously I'm still grumpy because I'm sick.
Now three of us are sick,
Not a fun New Year's Eve but I watched the celebration on TV.

Hot tea time once again...

