Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Fifty-five days left of George W. Bush...


Been following the Terrorist situation in India's commercial and financial capital of Mumbai.
There are hostages and it was highly coordinated attacks on the Taj hotel, train station, resturants and hospital.
Apparently they were separating people with British or American passports.
There have been many deaths. Scary stuff going on in the world. This is beyond suicide bombing, taking Western hostages.
So to talk about Bush or Obama and politics tonight just seems not all that important.
My prayers go out to all those caught in this horror.
Is this international terrorism or domestic terrorism? We'll hear more shortly I would guess.

NYC Transit on alert. Has happened before in NY and any of us that take the trains and subways are not surprised by national guard walking the lobby or platforms...
But Coll came out from DC on Bus and LIRR from Penn and will return the same way...
It feels different when it's me on the train or in the subway, a little more nerve wracking when it's Coll.

Trying to put images seen on tv and online out of my head and to be thankful for my family and home.

All eight of us will be eating turkey tomorrow, My brother and I along with mom are jointly cooking the dinner.
I made two apple/pear/blueberry pies for dessert and the house smells so wonderful. Just took them out of the oven.

I'm going to head off to bed and hopefully will catch some sleep, today was a long day.
Meeting trains, food shopping and running around at the last minute. Tomorrow should be better if all goes well.
But I'm going to pack it in early for me because I'm tired and my feet really hurt.

G'night everyone,
Count your blessings on Thanksgiving.
Take care of each other.



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