Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sixty-three days left of the Cheney presidency...


I'm rather late on everything today I admit it... not too much to talk about that I haven't all ready talked about.

One thing I'm happy about (with reservations of course) is that Ted Stevens seems to have lost his senate seat in Alaska!
Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich a democrat has won, but there will probably be a recount.
If it holds up, there will thankfully (at least for now) not be a Senator Palin.
Go write your book, or dictate your book to someone that can translate greatness out of gibberish, sarcasm and cliche.
I'm sure it'll be great, and a best seller.

So, Lieberman gets to keep his Committee Chair of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs. ::sigh::
Figured he would. He's gonna lose his place on the Environment and Public Works Committee (so what).
Politics as usual... many Connecticut democrats and others are pissed off at the Senate Dems and Lieberman with good reason.
But hey political treason isn't treason after all is it? (Just ask Rudy)
Anyway when Joe is up for re-election Connecticut democrats are gathering forces to run a successful campaign against him.
Well, we shall see in time.

Not 100% sure about Eric Holder as attorney general. He is surely qualified but I have to think about it a bit to decide.
Probably not a bad choice.
And Hillary still hasn't accepted or denied the Secretary of State position. Wonder what that means?
I know Bill's a wild card (or Joker depending on how you feel) but I'd like to see Hillary in a high post in the Obama administration. She deserves it and she campaigned extensively for him.

Poor Barack has to lose his Blackberry for security purposes.
Whoa, that's not an easy feat for those who have become addicted to using them all the time.
Likely quitting cigarettes would be easier for many including him.
I love the fact that he's using You Tube for his "fireside chats." lol.
Someone that's not technologically inept. Finally.

As far as the auto industry bailout is concerned:
Why should we give money to the CEO, administration and stock holders of GM?
Aren't these the people that had the brilliant idea to market Hummers to the public?
I say it again:
These are the people that keep making gas guzzlers and pick up trucks that come in sizes
Large, Huge and What the hell is that?
Good God what a joke all this is... except the joke is on everyone middle class and down.
Like the economy disaster was such a huge surprise. Just snuck up on them to spoil the party.
Seems like the taxpayer's that will be paying for this fiasco will be my grandchildren.

I'm beginning to truly dislike Paulson. The more he talks, the more I wish I could fire him myself.
I actually dreamt last night that I fired a bunch of people he was the first on my list... funny huh?
Or maybe not really all that funny upon reflection.

Non politics:
My son is coughing and miserable with a cold. Stayed home from school today.
I'm a little behind in my NaNoWriMo unfortunately. Didn't plan on getting sick.
Oh well, even if I don't make 50,000 words, it's fun to try and I'll have quite a lot done in any event.

Going to bed, trying to take care of myself and lose my cold.



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