Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sixty-five days left of the Bush Doctrine...


It will be nice to finally have a president that doesn't say "ta" instead of "to" or "ditn't..."
I think that if you can't pronounce “nuclear” you shouldn't be allowed to be sworn in as president.
After 8 years handlers still can't get him to say nuclear right even 50% of the time.

Saw the Obama's on 60 Minutes tonight and it was a nice interview.
They have a great rapport and nice family.
Both have worked hard and should be very proud of their accomplishments.

Why the hell don't people in the public eye think through what they say BEFORE they say it???
Paul Broun the congressman from Georgia (Republican) compared Obama's policy proposals to Hitler.
And now he's apologizing for his misstatement. Yeah. Read it see what you think.
Broun's Hitler statement
Hey next time Broun... make your point without the bullshit about Nazi Germany, Marxism and most of all ole boy: Adolf Hitler'sname shouldn't even come up in the discussion at all. Totally offensive misuse of history, unbelievably tactless and completely asinine (to put it mildly).

Good God now Gulliani is looking to run for governor of NY. No freakin' way Rudy.
You're way too "cosmopolitan" for us, too "elitist" and you seem to think "community organizers" have some sort of socially unacceptable disease. Really sad, coming from the once mayor of NYC don't you think?
Is hard work, advocating for human rights and compassion a bad thing now?
Go away Rudy and take your delusions of grandeur with you please.
The community of NY state doesn't need you to lead us anywhere...
Retire from politics and become a makeup artist all ready, or a really homely Marilyn Monroe impersonator.
You know you want to.

It would seem that there's going to be a real fight over the automotive industry's bleak outlook... and cash relief.
Now they're saying once again that we have to get the economy up and running again by the American people spending money to save all the businesses that are facing a dire year ahead... Um, wanna give us some money, maybe we'd spend it.
Or maybe we'd pay off our debt, or maybe we'd put it in the bank, remember the savings part of "savings and loan?"
This is going to be a tough year for many. No way around it realistically yet. Need better ideas, and no I don't have them.
Neither does the government on either side of the fence so far.

Weaselly bad credit commercials are showing up on the TV now... Let us fix your credit problems, get you loans, etc... just call this number and one of our wonderful representatives will take care of you. Yea sure.

Non politics:
Starting to feel better, cold is letting up a bit. (crosses fingers & knocks on wood)
My husband did a lot of maintenance on my imac and upgraded Parallels which now works a lot better...
I use my imac exclusively for photography, artwork, video and most creative projects.
I do most of my writing on my MacBookPro cause it's mobile and I can write anywhere.




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