Friday, November 7, 2008

Seventy-four days to Obama's inaugural address.


I know a lot of folk are trying to figure out what to do with themselves after the election.
It was pretty all consuming. Morning tv was talking about the post election blues or depression and what to about it. Sigh.
Not me... I'm happy to relax now after all that energy that went to the campaign.
Me? I went fishing for a few calming hours today, which felt great.
We caught good size blue fish around 4pm, came home filleted it right away.
I put fillets in broiler and made spiced rice to go with it.
Ate at 6pm. Just not going to get fish much fresher than that! Yummy.
Didn't get much time to write today but I might get some time tonight.
I'm probably going to take a break this week. I've been running for weeks on empty and I think would like to read a book or something... a novel would be nice.
My son is coming up soon for a visit from DC. That'll be nice. Don't see him all that often. : )

I don't miss the constant barrage of election ads, the constant droning of the pundits (not that they have completely stopped) or the angry accusations. Let's hope that we will move on now from all that.

Obama seems to be surrounding himself with good people so far. I think maybe we will work on at least some of our problems now. The last four years were a social and economic mess, with nothing very constructive getting done at all.
I'm not sure I understand why Louisiana voted Republican this election especially after the Katrina fiasco but they did at a rate of 59% to 40% it seems.

The one thing I was upset about was when the Brady Bill was dismembered. Now all the tv can talk about is the rush on guns because people fear that the new administration will put restrictions on gun ownership. Imagine that.
So, it's not even the hand guns that bother me although they kill far too many people in this civilized country...
It's the assault weapons that the run is on. Seriously folks, what do you need with assault weapons.
hand guns are made to kill, to injure, to maim. Do you really need assault weapons?
Would Columbine have happened so readily if these guns weren't so available?
Is that a good thing to stockpile these types of weapons? I truly wonder.
Semi-automatics? Why not allow crates full of hand grenades, rocket launchers.

So the question before the Republican party is this:
Is Sarah Palin the new face of their party or will they move more towards the moderate center of conservative?
Remember Bush's idea of "compassionate conservatives?"

I for one am not unhappy to see the McCain/Palin "Air Quotes across America" campaign ended.

Anyway feeling better for fishing and no longer hungry either. Fed family for almost nothing. Always nice.

No news for me tonight, taking a break from politics and news.

Enjoy your evening.
Smile at those you love.



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