Monday, November 10, 2008

Seventy-two days left of GW Bush...


Well, I got home a bit later than expected so I missed yesterday's post...
Unless you're a night owl like me in which case you're still on Sunday night time.
But it is technically Monday morning I suppose so... I'm late. I admit it.

Left at 2pm for the city to see Neil Gaiman talk about the Sandman series for it's twentieth anniversary.

Now running on a DDonuts latte and sheer will power that's rapidly dissipating.
A loaf of bakery bread was left on my computer.
So I cut off a yummy hunk of Brown bread with raisins and the best crusty crust I've eaten in a long time.

I guess the world did fine today without me following the news.
Usually I sneak in some news no matter what but I didn't even turn on the radio in the car.
TV, radio, computer and newspaper free day. Doesn't happen all that often but every once in a while.

Tomorrow I have a lot to catch up on, a million errands and not enough time in the day.
So off to bed I go. Will upload some photos tomorrow afternoon.
Behind in almost all my projects at the moment. Oh well. They'll get done, they always do.
Too tired to talk so...



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