Saturday, November 15, 2008

Sixty-six days left of George W. Bush's signature mangling of the English language...

Lot going on these days:
Economic meetings of world leaders to discuss the world economy and what to do.

Paulson babbling on and on about economic "stimulus/bailout/rescue" plan, let's make it better now he days. Right.
Tired of hearing Mr. ex-CEO of Goldman Sachs talking.
Grilling of KashKari. Yes, about time... ask some questions.
Have to say Kucinich was getting some shots in there. Not enough but hey... at least someone tries.

I'm still against the bailout in any form it's been in so far.
The job losses across the country and the foreclosures happening every day while the govt. figures out what to do (or who to hand money over to next) is a crime.
By all means take care of the top heavy officials and share holders.

Not only are the people that lose their homes often put out on the street with their families but if they lose their jobs they lose their family insurance coverage. This country needs to fix these problems.
Compassionate conservatism my ass.
Compassion where exactly?

There is an ever widening gap between those that have money and those that struggle to get by.
But nope we shouldn't make people that make over 250,000 dollars a year pay more taxes, nor should we close those loopholes in the tax code that wealthy folk take advantage of. Hell, the rest of us are lucky we get a deduction for our children, no less have money to use for hiring a tax lawyer and accountant to find us assorted deductions and hide our money.
Most of us only had one real asset: that was our homes. And that ain't exactly going too well for a lot of people right now.

And bailing out the auto industry isn't going to stop lay offs or make people buy new cars.
Union busting isn't the answer. (But the ghost of Reagan past loves the idea).
If you're going to point at the unions as strangling these "poor" industry giants, complaining that they have too much power-then you have to cut back on the administration and CEO''s wages, on stock holders dividends, extravagant bonuses, business charges like lunch, dinners and bullshit inspirational perks, also those golden parachutes.
Then and only then do you get to point down the food chain to the workers.
They DID NOT cause the malaise in the auto industry.

How about we make it harder for American companies to ship jobs out of the country, tax them for factories in other countries, tax them like any other company that wants to sell stuff from elsewhere here.

I'm still amazed by the idea that government should not regulate these industries when they want money cause they are running out of their own, due to their own mismanagement. Wow.
Almost every small business owner knows that they will lose their business if they run it poorly, take too much cash out of the till for themselves, or do stupid things like: gamble their money on bad ideas, lie, steal, cheat, fail to update services or products... or they just simply get too greedy to care about their employees or the consumers of their product or service.

And can't Sarah Palin go back to Alaska and hibernate for a while, she could come back out in the spring sometime.
Still waiting to hear how Alaska's senate race turns out we should know Monday. Mark Begich is up 1000 votes as of Friday.
Though I suppose if it's close there'll be a recount which will drag it on for a while longer.
My fingers are crossed at least that Stevens loses, then we won't have to deal with Sarah as senator dancing around DC with the media following her around like a bunch of paparazzi on a celebrity hunt.
Don't really like Al Franken for senator, he's a blow hard, brash, and loudly opinionated... don't need more of those in senate. lol Though I'm not crazy about Norm Coleman either. It's been a very hostile competition and not getting better. Won't know for sure who is the winner until possibly mid December. Wild.

Non politics:
Still sick. Feel crummy. Staying away from mom don't want to get her sick.
Cleaning my kitchen, writing and zoning out for the time being.




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