Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sixty-nine days left of George W. Bush...


The stock market continues to stay down.
This is going to be a tough year all around.
At least our representatives are finally starting to rethink the "money lending" without clear restrictions.
About time, and a little late.
Downward turns at Starbucks, Macy's, Linnen's and Things, Best Buy, Circuit City, Hasbro, Airlines, Automobiles, on and on...
Not looking too great right before Christmas.

Everywhere I look for news whether magazine, newspaper, tv or computer I see Palin's face.
She's being interviewed all over the place. Larry King, GMA, Lauer, and an assortment of others. Is overexposure good?
Interesting, will she begin campaigning for 2012 in 2008...?
Because people got tired of the Obama and McCain marathon two years. Four years of Palin media will drive me crazy.
She's the future of the republican party?
Go home, study a lot, learn tolerance and come back later on an, err, better person. Please quietly re-invent yourself.

Thanks Republican National Party for making the divide between our citizens even wider than before. For scaring people with made up fears. For calling people un-American, un-patriotic, and dangerous because they disagree with you, or because fear works to your advantage even if it isn't based in truth. I would really like Palin to retire off to Alaska but she won't because she now has tasted power. I wish McCain and especially Palin didn't deliberately help to stir this kind of animosity up. How ironic that the campaign was called the straight talk express.
Racism is never right. Prejudice is never okay. Hatred is evil. Religion should not condone or promote discrimination.
This is not associated with the Christianity I was brought up in. The very fact that this is happening is a disgrace to our great nation.

Disturbing reactions to Obama's election in the USA
I said it early on in this election... stirring up hatred is dangerous and evil.
There will never be peace and progress if we never heal.
Remember the "United" in the United States of America? Some people don't seem to care about it at all.

Bill Ayers (remember him?) did an interview talking about his association with Obama finally. Not sure why he didn't do it before the election. So he gets death threats too.

Bill Ayers talks
What is going on in this country that it's not enough to just disagree with someone and try to understand or work with people that hold opinions different from their own?
Has it become okay to threaten, bully and denigrate people?
Would you take the life of another over a political difference? What does this teach our children?
What does it say about us as people? About the concept of tolerance?

Gay marriages begin in Connecticut while they are banned in California. So strange.

Hate crime murder of a hispanic man took place in Patchogue, NY. Spent a lot of time there over the years. Very sad.
Hate Crime in Patchogue

There was racial and sexual grafitti found on cars in Mastic, NY. Also threats and anti Obama epithets.
Racial graffiti found on cars

What worries me about this is that NY is fairly liberal as a state with a very diverse population. It's really disturbing to me.

Non politics:
Note to music friends: Mitch Mitchell died today at 62 years old.
Remember the jimi Hendrix Experience... he was the original drummer.
None of the original group members are left. Noel Redding, the bass guitarist, died in 2003.

Getting blood work done tomorrow early, yay. Not feeling that great.
Getting cardio workup... etc. Tests. Fun. My family history sucks, mom has significant artery disease and a triple bypass. Dad died from massive heart attack, grandfather died at around 54 of heart attack. Well, at least I don't smoke.
Guess I should take what my body is telling me seriously...
Lose weight. Exercise. Get sleep. Eat better. ::sigh::
Cut down on stress... now that's going to be an interesting one. Don't know where to start right now.
But try I will.

Going to bed.



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