Monday, November 17, 2008

Sixty-four days left of GW Bush... is it a trick somehow?


Lordy, I almost got through a whole day without hearing anything about Sarah Palin.
Then I went and watched some of todays news clips... and that was it.
Although at least it was only one mention... All the book publishers want her to write a book for millions of dollars.
Figures doesn't it? Well now, who will she use to "help" her write this book since if she wrote anything even remotely in the um, style(?) she talks it would be unreadable to the majority of US citizens. Kinda hard to follow to and you betcha.

Economy still going to hell in a hand basket.
I figure that while the govt argues about why, where (and who) to apply money to and how they might regulate how it's used... everybody will all ready have lost their homes to foreclosure by then.
All these lay offs won't help the mortgage problems either.

No clear answers in sight. It's all speculation, what will work? Not sure anyone really has a clue.

Making this a short post tonight.
Normally I'm up really late every night (Insomniacs unite!) but I have a few things I have to do tomorrow morning.

Talk tomorrow eve then,



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