Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fifty-six daze left of George W. Bush... or let's mess with the environment now.


I think I lost a whole day, not really like me.
Sorry, I think I'm going to call it a lost weekend.
Blame it on my birthday it's as good an excuse as any other I guess.

Term of the day: Fiscal Responsibility.
Is this corporate welfare or corporate socialism? It's getting hard to tell.
And someone explain to me who decides which bank, agency, business gets money while others don't?

Mismanagement is the cause...
If you don't adjust the people responsible for the whole problem how does that realistically send the message that the market and capitalism actually works? Survival of the fittest or of the government favorites?
Perhaps the government should take over the American Car Industry until it is working again... and they've made the tax payer's investment dollars back. Now that would be interesting.

Did I really see Scooter Libby dressed up as a turkey while GW Bush pardoned him on the Onion site?
Great spoof folks and what a real turkey that truly is!

In Thanksgiving Tradition, Bush Pardons Scooter Libby In Giant Turkey Costume

The recount goes on in Minnesota with a little over 100 votes between Coleman and Franken leaning to the former.
Very contensious, get it over with all ready. Then we just have Georgia left in the runoff election.

Seeing a lot of Barack Obama the second day of speeches for him, then Paulson who is starting to really drive me crazy.
Not hearing too much from ole GW these days...

Damn Midnight Regulations that GW Bush is putting through. Decimating some of the environmental issues yet once again.
Get the damn lame duck (not my word for him but it does rhyme with it) out of office before he gets even more stupid. Please.
Here are some of the things he's putting through last minute that we have to deal with-> check it out it's amazing:

Bush's Midnight Regulations

White collar vs. blue collar
When comparing the bailout for financial institutions to the bridge loans for the domestic auto industry, Steelworker President Leo Gerard made this comment:
"The people who take a shower before they go to work get bailed out. The people who must take a shower after work get thrown out."

This sums up how I feel about this bail out. Wall Street gets bailed out because they can't go broke. CitiGroup is too big to let go broke? What the heck was that? Free market society indeed.
But blame the American auto workers and the union for the problems Auto management made... let them go out of business because who the hell cares about blue collar workers anyway?

Union busting is not a good thing folks. Hasn't worked before. Damn those workers that want good wages, realistic hours, job protection, safe workplaces and health care, stupid little things like that.
The CEO's fly around in corporate jets, get paid obscene wages (for f**king things up) and get bonuses, perks and unbelievable retirement packages... but hey, blame it on the workers because they're unionized and simply show up for work every day to make cars, well until they're laid off that is. Yup blame them ya'll.

Bye, bye middle class... Maybe they'll bail us out some day, you never know.
They should we're all cheap and easy ain't we, or is it expendable?

I still have my problems with Obama, we shall see what he actually does now that he's elected.
They all say lots of stuff before they get in, then the reality of politics kicks in and usually promises are hedged and dodged.

Politicians, can't live with 'em, wish we could live without 'em.

700 billion and not one job created.
The deficit is horrific.
But hey at least GW was cute in his Peruvian Poncho, wuddn't he?

Let's hope Obama has a better plan and let's hope it actually works.

Non politics:
Going to pick up my son tomorrow, visiting from DC for the long Thanksgiving weekend!
Everyone will be home so it'll be a cherished holiday.
My favorite holiday has always been Thanksgiving.
Family gathering together for a fine filling fall meal. The best!
(not to mention that I was born on Thanksgiving, though it rarely falls on it again)

Enjoy Thanksgiving and help those less fortunate over the holiday season.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of golden days ahead my friend. Most people don't realize how much money there is out there. During economic times like this, there is more money to be had than ever. Because of the bailouts and economy, lenders are bending over backwards to bail you out too. Believe it or not, there is people getting tons of cheap money nowdays to start businesses, buy homes, pay off debt, and more. Bailouts for Everyone