Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Very early on E-Day... Yay!


Will vote around 8am with my son and then run a hand full of errands.
After that spending the day mostly indoors, mostly in front of the tv or computer.

Not much to say tonight, but I'm really excited about a few things-
1) It's finally election day.
2) I can finally vote in NY.
3) It'll finally be over tonight! *

* Well hopefully we'll KNOW for SURE who the new president of the United States of America is, without any doubts.
Not that sure about all the senate and house elections, might be a while on some of them.

I felt really sad to hear that Barack Obama's grandmother passed away so close to the election
It's a true shame she didn't get to see him get elected tomorrow night.

So, good luck everyone.
Go out and vote!
And we'll see how it all FINALLY turns out.

Get some sleep, you'll need it tomorrow night!



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