Monday, November 3, 2008

Ground zero... tomorow is E-Day. Finally!


Well the Reverend Wright ad by the GOP in swing states came out... Last ditch effort?
Figures doesn't it? I've seen it so many times all ready (and I live in NY) I'm sick to death of it. Almost every other commercial break. Here it is- though I don't know how anyone could have missed seeing it by now.
Last minute GOP ad

Only thing it tells me is that the respect I had for McCain for not going there is now gone. Though probably they never went there because if they had- then Palin's unusual religious ties would be opened up for scrutiny too, which is something McCain didn't want opened up I'm sure.

So the GOP throws it out last minute when there can be no real discourse, response or finger pointing back at McCain/Palin's past religious connections.

If the GOP isn't associated forever with dirty pool and supporting big business over the working class I don't know what the hell would ever do it.

McCain keeps saying Obama is far left and an extreme liberal...
McCain has gone far off to the right, and is catering to what appears to be a core conservative group that does not even represent the more central moderate, republican.
He is no more a "uniter" than a divider than his pal George W. Bush is.

Today McCain again stated when he's president we will win in Afganistan and Iraq. Our troups will come home in victory. Does he not know that most Americans while we support our troups that risk their lives for their country we do not support this war in Iraq.

I will vote for change. We really need it now more than ever.
I will vote for progress, for unity, for my country.
I will put my country first.
I will vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden to lead this country forward.

Going fishing.



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