Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sixty-two days left of George W. Bush...


Well, McCain actually won in the close election in Missouri.

Obama picked Tom Daschle for Secretary of Health and Human Services.
What's with all the Clinton era picks? Not a bad choice though.
So he'll be the guy that works on health care.
Would be more interesting if Barack Obama gave us his own reasoning behind each of his picks...
He wouldn't of course, but it would be telling to know what he was thinking and why.

To Hillary or not to Hillary... now that IS the question.

Not politics:
Been working with my son on Global History review each night because he needs to pass the regents in January.
It's a two year course. Glad to be able to help but Social Studies isn't my favorite subject.
Learned it fairly well by the time my fourth kid went through school system. Ha.
I love English, Science, Art, Psychology and especially Anthropology.
(I'm a teacher at heart, studied some graduate English thinking I'd be one in the 80's.)
Every once in a while I think about going back to get my English degree because I love English but don't really know what I'd do with it. Have a MSW so unless I come into money I doubt I'll go back to college any time soon.
Though I have to admit I'm the happiest I ever am when I'm in college learning new things and meeting new people.
Don't know why I just am.

My mom has been quite sick for two days and she looks miserable.
Not sure what's wrong but it's not a cold. She's very discouraged.
I'm hoping she feels better soon. She's hard to get to go to the doctors.

This time of year is not my favorite. I get moody in November.
It's been the same pattern for over 30 years.
My best friend died a short time before my birthday.
I put flowers on the grave every year and try to fathom why I'm still here and she isn't.

But anyway, I'm going to bed because I'm really exhausted.
Still not feeling great and mentally weary.

So G'night,


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