Sunday, November 30, 2008

Fifty-one days left of George W. Bush...


I'm sitting here catching up on news and finally drinking my reheated latte.
Took Coll to train station today (sob) and his bus was delayed in the city by over an hour.

Quiet once again.

Went shopping, got a few small presents for folk since we were up near the mall anyway.
On a budget for x-mas that I shall keep to. Found some pretty good buys and mall wasn't too terribly busy at all.

Which brings me to Cyber Monday Sales.
Have a couple of electronic gifts I'm waiting for the best price on.
I'll check around for online prices tomorrow. (Well actually I'm wide awake and drinking coffee so I'll check before I go to bed.)
I think I'll bring up our little x-mas tree tomorrow to help me get more in the Christmas spirit.
Can't bake too early so I'll have to shop sales and work on my handmade gifts. I'll manage.

This Friday is going to be a pip. I've got something that I'm doing that'll be interesting.
Won't tell you now, but with any luck I'll have a few photos to post on Saturday.
If you know me or have been reading this blog at all regularly I think you'll find it as amusing as I do.

Watched Laura Bush and Ted Turner on Meet The Press... still don't really like him. Oh well.
Is there some reason his eyes always half or more shut? Odd.
There are many interesting people out there, I wish I could meet them, no actually I wish I could sit down with them and discuss politics, social issues and ask how they ended up in whatever field they are in.

Still pretty worried about the economy along with many major economists...
Let's see how the next few weeks and months go.
Really feeling for those who have lost jobs, health insurance, retirement packages and their homes.
We're fortunate that these things haven't touched our lives, have no idea what the next year holds for us all but I hope for the best.

What happened in India worries me. Terrorism is the most vile form of social disruption and psychological oppression.

I'm hoping that Obama doesn't have to deal with the racism stirred up within our own country during the campaign.
Don't people realize we're all in this together?
Our country would be so much better if we ALL stood together.

G'night all,
Hope your Thanksgiving was warm, cozy, friendly and fun!



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