Friday, December 19, 2008

Thirty-two days till the bail out bail's out Bush.


So it took GW until Friday to decide to give the loan to the auto makers to attempt to bail them out.
Even without a shoe whack upside of his head...
Well I don't think it's going to help all that much when people aren't thinking of buying new cars in the near future.
But I'm hoping that I'm totally wrong.

Mixed feelings about the possibility of Caroline Kennedy (isn't her name Schlossberg?) being appointed as Senator from NY.
Could certainly do worse, might do better. Wish she had more of her brother John Jr. She seems far more serious.

For now Al Franken seems to be ahead in the count in Minnesota. What a joke. Don't like either one of them. Get it done.

I may be nuts but I'm not sure that Rod Blagojevich is going to have much happen to him. He may be forced from his office but so far I'm not sure I heard anything that puts him in jail... Hmm. Like I said our political system is getting weirder and weirder.

It seems that the Prop 8 supporters have brought in Kenneth Starr as council to "protect marriage" (ie between a man and a woman. So there will be a few challenges to Prop 8... let's hope that we move away from govt. sanctioned discrimination (and it shouldn't matter what side you are on, pro gay or not). This is a civil rights issue.Prop 8 article

And the best news: Paulson wants the second half of the 700 billion dollars now... nevermind that wait until Obama is president in Jan. Me wants me cookiieeeessss. Nope. Can't we get rid of Mr. ex CEO of Goldman Sachs?
He hasn't fixed anything, let's try a new approach. Seriously let's try.

Non political:
Why is it that Drew Peterson is engaged again? Wife # 5 to be and young too (23ish).
I don't get it. Is there something appealing about someone who may have killed at least one of his prior wives?

Snowing in NY. My rosemary on the steps was blanketed with snow. It's so pretty outside right now, but it's starting to turn more into sleet and rain as usual here. Like as not tomorrow all snow will be washed away for the most part.

Don't hold your breath waiting for me to "grow up."
If growing up means I can't take walks in the snow, enjoy crunching ice coated mud puddles, throwing snowballs and building snowmen... I don't really want to. Isn't much fun then. And yes, I built a small snowman I usually do every year.
The kids have "outgrown" snowmen it seems and I used to get snowball fight takers but not so far this year.
Oh well, I love snow and if there was a hill nearby I'd be sleigh riding too.
Well to all of you out there that think adults don't build snowmen by themselves, I don't care, it makes me smile and that's okay with me. Children just gave me more of an excuse... ha.

The jar of cookies are chocolate covered coconut macaroons. Not bad. Done with baking cookies (before christmas anyway).

Tired and have some things to do. Time is rapidly running out on my holiday preparations.
Probably won't relax in any way again until after Christmas.
I am still looking forward to New Year's Eve and 2009.
It's a good time to reevaluate, I for one plan to take the whole year to do just that.


Hope you're safe, warm and near to those you care about.



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