Saturday, October 4, 2008

Michigan, Palin, OJ Simpson and Iron Man or...Thirty-one days to E-Day.


Once again I need to take a break from politics.
I do get rather angry sometimes and this bail/buy out plus ear mark/pork barrel additions had me crazed.
Europe is also experiencing a financial crisis too. The world is changing all around us.

It was a semi-quiet day in politics, perhaps they grow weary of themselves too?

To be, or not to be (in Michigan) that is the question!
McCain announces he's pulling out of Michigan, Palin twice says she wants to go and rally in Michigan with her husband,
she doesn't want to desert Michigan. She wants McCain to reconsider.

Is this yet another McCain bait and switch like the "suspension" of his campaign?
Is it just Sarah jus' bein her quirky ole off the leash self... and questioning McCain's own campaign judgement?

And dawg gone it why should we care at this point?
We all know we'll find out next week if we tune in to the drama (and we all will won't we?)

But on to the real news: OJ Simpson finally gets a guilty charge in something.
Looks like he's going to jail.
Not great news for OJ.
But I don't imagine he's a sympathetic figure to most folk with all his erratic behavior since he beat the rap in 1995.
I expect a lot of people feel this is the inevitable bad karma only just starting to return back home to him.

Will of course check to see if SNL does a recap of the Biden/Palin debate...
Bet Tina Fey is having a blast playing Palin and at least the beginning of the show now is actually funny.
I stopped watching SNL quite a while ago though sometimes I sampled clips (and the news spot) because I thought they lost their edge and often just didn't make me laugh.

Making myself a nice hot cup of tea and nestling in to watch some tv for a while.
Was going to watch "Iron Man" tonight (bought the dvd on Tuesday) but still haven't gotten to it.
Enjoyed it a lot in the movies, will be fun to watch again.
Now if I would only sit down in one place long enough to watch it.
::sigh:: Yes, I do know I'm impossible (she smiles thinking... but at least I'm consistent!)




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