Thursday, October 2, 2008

Still Thirty-three days till E-day... or the great (?) debate.


I think Biden did better in the debate in knowledge and presidential qualities.
Palin seemed to wander in her small bursts of words not always directly connected to the question or each other...
but then again that's her "not from Washington/outsider" appeal I guess. She did good.
No big gaffes on either side so it's probably a draw though I'm sure both sides feel their candidate blew the other away.
Seriously though to me it was probably close enough to not really be all that decisive but we'll see how it plays out in the next few days.

The first time Sarah winked at the American public, I thought I must have imagined it and dismissed it as impossible/improbable.
The second time it really annoyed me. Ain't that cute...? Sexism be damned.
Palinisms: Oh man, bless their hearts, darn right, now dawg gone it, you guys, Joe six pack...
Oh puhleeze.

Palin stated on the economy, "It is a crisis. It's a toxic mess, really, on Main Street that's affecting Wall Street. And now we have to be ever vigilant and also making sure that credit markets don't seize up. That's where the Main Streeters like me, that's where we would really feel the effects." I'm pretty sure that's not exactly what she meant to say.
I suppose she meant General McNeill (former) or McKiernan (present) in Afganistan not General McClellan as she stated.
Maybe she was thinking of Attorney General McClelland... (checked my facts this am)
But there's no reason to nit pick. Not a huge win for Biden but not not a huge loss for Palin.
Better than I thought it would go.

One thought in closing on the VP debate since I don't think this is a deal breaker or maker for either campaign.
(though it saved McCain's from totally sinking I expect) I don't want to give it too much value. We'll see tomorrow what folk say. Too tired tonight.

My wisdom: They did a good job obviously in cramming a lot of facts and policy information into Palin. Everyone that has been in high school and any higher education knows that cramming at the last minute might help you pass a test in the next few days but you don't remember much of it all after a week.

Having said that I wonder if they'll now allow her to go out and have press conferences and answers press questions or keep her in seclusion. Interesting.

The next two presidential debates will be important as they should be.
How each man comes across and holds themselves and gives real, honest answers to the questions that will matter.

I guess the people out there inclined to play drinking games (I know at least a couple) during the debate had plenty occasion to have to take a drink.
I'm told one of the trigger words they were using to take a drink was "Maverick."
I wonder how they were doing by the end of the debate. I lost count and I was stone cold sober.
So this goes out to you debate drinkers: good luck getting up for work eh?
Well, you know who you are...

Tomorrow we'll see how the bail out goes in the house.
It's a bit of a porker to me, but hey what the heck do I know anyway?




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