Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Show Me the Money... or Twenty-seven days to E-Day


There's a part of me that wishes that we could just get this vote over tomorrow.
It seems like this election has been going on forever.
And if the fundamentals of the economy are strong I'd hate to see it when it was only mediocre...
Even if you take the "fundamentals" to mean the workers, they're getting beaten up by job losses and pension/health care/mortgage crisis, etc.
I wonder if they'll start building affordable housing units for the middle class soon...
More likely we'd get Hurricane Katrina trailers.

Ya betcha I'm cynical...

Still hoping that the campaigns on both sides stop with the really nasty personal attacks. (especially McCain)
But I imagine with less than a month left it won't let up all that much.

What really irks me the most is President Bush.
He's like a rat that comes out of his hole in the wall of the oval office to say a few words like "Pass this bill, right away" and then scampers as fast as his little feet will carry him back into it because the flashes from the press folks cameras and the noise of questions called out scares him to death now or something. Seriously.

Would it be a huge problem with three months left as president if he actually showed some backbone and leadership by talking to the American People and trying to rally us into unity (remember the I'm a uniter not a divider) by acknowledging the economic crisis and how it's hurting the people out there that voted perhaps for him in the past?
Could he show some passion and caring for everyone's situation and recognize the scary place a lot of people are in right now.
Nope. Nothing. Nada. Nothing anyone could hang on to, that would make them feel better or show that he really cares.
I suppose he doesn't want to undermine McCain or cause the Republican Party any problems with some random thing he might mess up saying. And where the hell is Cheney anyway?

I really hate the economic bailout/buyout/rescue plan.
Not because I fear it's socialism or communism or whatever some people are labeling it.
But because of the way it was jammed through as if it was the only possible way this could have been handled.
Bullshit. Complete Bullshit.
Doesn't it bother anyone that the Secretary of the Treasury is Hank Paulson? The former CEO of Goldman Sachs who when he moved over to the government had to sell off his Goldman Sachs stock for somewhere around a half billion dollars. Wonder what his severance package looked like? I guess he parachuted right over to the government. So basically he's in charge of bailing out the same bastards that he was one of a short time ago and we're supposed to trust this? Seriously?

And they wonder why American's no longer trust their government or big business.

How about the party AIG didn't cancel after they were bailed out? I keep reading that it cost around $443,344 to throw it.
What utter gall and complete disrespect for the people working their asses off just to keep their family afloat. Unbelievable.
How many lower level workers do you think were welcome at that party? (Assuming they weren't laid off all ready)
How do these people sleep at night?

I would certainly be thrown in jail if I bamboozled anyone with complete disregard like they have.
But not them, nope. We bail them out and allow them to keep their jobs, throw parties, keep their homes and retirement.
How many small business owners have been bailed out... yeah right.
If they don't recoup their money and still tank even after the bail out what will they leave with the next time.
The only reason these big corporations care about the workers is because they're the reason they can keep their party at the top going. Drones. Worker bees. They don't care if we're all that happy, or if our standard of living is good or not they just care that everyone shows up to work so they can make profits.

No all businesses aren't like that they actually care about the people that work for them and try to pay them reasonably and give them benefits because they realize they wouldn't be a business without the good people that work for them.
But the bottom line is always profits, it has to be, so even if it hurts like hell to cut back; people have to go.

What's going on with that $25 billion automotive bailout loans they'll be getting... and how much more will they ask for in the future? And haven't we bailed Chrysler out of bankruptcy once before sometime around 1979? Let's see, airlines, cars, banks, what else is next?
I desperately need a new car, have two kids looking at college and one has no health insurance. Who's sending me mad money? Who even has mad money anymore? It's all on credit cards now anyway isn't it?

I wonder what the Christmas shopping will be like this year. Not all that far away.
Do people spend money on large ticket items they don't really need in uncertain times without the cold hard cash to pay for it?
Maybe ole Bush will come out and tell us to all go buy stuff to keep the economy strong... again. Sure.

Well, g'night for now
Making Chicken Parmesan tomorrow night I think.



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